
Experience God’s Love

Accidents follow blind people like birds seek for worms. Yesterday, I stubbed my toe on something out of place. It almost took my entire toenail off, so I asked my husband, Timmy to bandage it to prevent my shoes from rubbing it.
I kicked back in the recliner with Iva by my side. Timmy began playing doctor. Iva jumped in the floor for a better view, but soon returned to the sofa. Iva crawled onto my lap down to my knees observing with careful attention what her Daddy was doing to Mom.
This precious act of love brought a smile to my lips. “Look how precious she is!”
Iva’s not the only one concerned about every detail. God cares about everything from the tiniest detail to the major events of our lives.

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The Surprising Reason Your Self-Worth Matters

I’m a burden to everyone. I never do anything right. I mess up everything I do. These thoughts belong to a woman who feels worthless, unacceptable, and possibly unloved. If that woman, is you today, I want to wrap my arm around you and tell you that you’re not alone.

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When Life Turns Sour

  Now when they came to Marah, they could not drink the waters of Marah, for they were bitter. Therefore the name of it was called Marah. And...

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The Jagged Edges of the Heart

Everyone seems to be on edge now, and the smallest thing can stir up anger. Believe me, this message is as much for me as it is for anyone else. I need a buffer between the words I hear or read and the words I speak. Time to pause and get it right.

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Learning to Wait Without Wavering

I look at myself and the way I respond when God delays. My first mistake occurs when I get anxious like the Israelites. Instead of patiently trusting the Lord, I stress. Like them, I need something to appease my impatient soul. What do we go to in those moments?

Food can be comforting, and for years, in these seasons, I looked towards food before looking towards God.

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an Religious Persecution Spread the Gospel?C

A war has been declared on Christianity, even though here in the United States, we don’t face the persecution experienced across the world. We’ve lived the life of ease here, and persecution frightens us.
Have you asked the question: why would God allow His church to be persecuted?

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Demonic Activity at Work

Do we recognize demonic activity? It isn’t always as evident as this passage about Paul and the demon possessed slave girl. Let’s dig into this passage and see what treasures we can uncover about the spirit world.
Notice where Paul was headed. He was on his way to a prayer meeting, and not just once, nor twice, but every day, this demon possessed girl met them.

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