And behold, a woman of Canaan came from that region and cried out to Him, saying, “Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David! My daughter is severely demon-possessed.”

But He answered her not a word.

And His disciples came and urged Him, saying, “Send her away, for she cries out after us.”(Matthew 15:22-23 NKJV)


I anticipated the ridicule which began the moment my classmates realized their team was stuck with me. if I had collapsed in a sea of tears, would they have excused me from gym class? Instead, I stuffed it down. Why didn’t anyone understand the humiliation I bore as a legally blind child?

Jesus led His disciples into the coastal region where a Gentile woman approached Him. Her daughter suffered from demon possession. She cried out, “Have mercy on me, Son of David,” recognizing Jesus as Messiah.

Jesus remained silent, but her continual cries annoyed His disciples. They implored Jesus, “Send her away!”

When Jesus refused to recognize this lady, she worshipped Him. With the disciples sounding like my classmates, I would have bolted, especially with Jesus acting so reserved. But not our sister. She knew Jesus as her compassionate Lord. Counting on His kindness, she reasoned with Jesus.

Then Jesus said something that sounded harsh at first, but Jesus is no respect or of persons.

It is not good to take the children’s [Israel] bread and throw it to the little dogs.” (Matthew 15:26b NKJV)

The Greek term for little dogs refers to little house pets, not wild scavengers as it does elsewhere.

In complete humility, our Canaanite sister replied, “The little dogs eat the crumbs which fall from their master’s table.” She understood that Jesus’s earthly ministry belonged to Israel, but she wanted a few crumbs from her master’s hand.

Despite the shunning from the disciples and an indefinite answer from Jesus, she persisted. Quitting wasn’t an option. Perhaps she’d grown accustomed to the slurs of sailors who docked their ships in that area.

Jesus rewarded her patience, “Great is your faith,” and He healed her daughter.

The rejection I felt as a child carried over into my adult life. For decades, I lacked the courage to ask anyone for help. I refused to use magnifiers in public, and I dared not use my white cane. I listened to the lies Satan fed me. You’re a burden. You annoy others. You are different, and that’s unacceptable.

Then I realized what this Canaanite woman already knew. Jesus loves and accepts me, and that is enough.

Have you felt the sting of rejection? Has someone in your past planted seeds of humiliation in your mind? A woman of faith clothes herself in humility, not humiliation.

Refuse to live under the lies of Satan. See yourself through the eyes of Jesus, beloved and accepted.

Lord Jesus, thank You for loving me and accepting me, and especially for showing me that I am worthy. Amen.


Read Matthew 15:21-28.



What lies did Satan cause you to believe at a younger age? Did they carry over into your adult years? Are you trusting in the love and acceptance of Jesus now? If not, ask Him to help you see yourself through His eyes.


FBI agents learn to recognize counterfeit money by studying the realdeal. How can we defend ourselves from the spiritual counterfeit? We put on the belt of truth each morning. Imagine having the ability to go through the day discerning your thoughts and removing the lies. Dress in God’s armor with this FREE simple printable prayer guide available here.


Originally posted on August 9, 2021 @ 3:00 am