
4 Ways God’s Love Conquers Emotional Bondage

Just a few hours ago, I had a root canal. They had to go deep into the roots to solve the problem. We also need to go deep into God’s love to conquer emotional bondage and a host of other problems. When we are rooted and grounded in God’s love, we will be stable.
While riding the emotional roller-coaster of fear, worry, anxiety, or discouragement, we don’t have any stability. Most trees grow deep roots, so they can weather the gusty winds that come with summer thunderstorms and winter blizzards.

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The Helmet of Salvation

The mind is the devil’s favorite battleground. He plants seeds of deception that we begin to believe as they take root and grow, like a well-nourished garden in the spring.
I am unworthy. I am unlovable. I am incapable. I am insignificant. These lies along with many more bombard the minds of women every day. Which lies have you believed about yourself?

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Rewarding Faith

By faith Moses, when he was born, was hidden three months by his parents, because they saw he was a beautiful child; and they were not afraid of the...

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Will You Carry the Baton? A Guest Post by Kathy Howard

Billy Graham spent his life taking the Gospel to the world. According to estimates, Graham preached in almost two hundred nations and territories. About 215 million attended his events. Two billion more heard Graham via radio and television. Most importantly, estimates of how many responded to his invitation to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior exceed two million souls.

We can’t statistically measure the impact of the life and ministry of the apostle Paul. But both Scripture and history prove that the Holy Spirit used him to launch the Gospel like a rocket across the world. Not even the chains of his Roman imprisonment impeded his ministry. God simply brought the lost to Paul, including an early opportunity to preach to a big crowd of curious Jews.

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Defusing the Depression Triggers

God has given believers His armor to wear as a defense against spiritual warfare. Satan doesn’t want God’s girls singing praises and full of joy. He decides to trigger that depression. He stalks us, and he knows exactly when and where to inject the poison.
Ephesians chapter six gives us a list of all the armor available for our use. Each piece is vital, but the helmet of salvation protects the mind, the point of most satanic attack, especially with depression.

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