It amazes me how God can use the words I crafted over a decade ago to encourage me today. My spinal recovery is not so different than my sight loss. I pray this blesses you.

“The breaking of me will be the making of me.” – CDN Faith That Walks on Water


I could not distinguish the pattern of dots. Again and again, I ran my finger across them. Frustration boiled up inside of me, and I wanted to slam the braille book onto the floor and declare, “I quit,” but I couldn’t do that. The impact would flatten the raised dots, making it difficult for someone else to feel them. Someone who could learn braille easier than this 50-year-old woman. Besides, the vision loss would continue, and I had to learn to live without sight.


Several Bible verses flashed through my mind. They were the ones that I was clinging to through my rehabilitation process. “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness” (2 Cor. 12:9b NKJV). Oh, how I needed that grace! It was more than the braille. It was this whole new way of living.


I was reminded of my life verse. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Phil. 4:13 NKJV). I uttered a silent prayer for God’s grace and strength. I made another attempt at reading the letter, and this time the answer was correct. From that point, I could feel God’s grace as it flowed right to my fingertips, and the remainder of that lesson became smoother. Afterward, I erupted in praises and thanks to God.


Amazingly, this act replayed over and over. I explained to my teacher what was happening, but there was so much more.


There were the occasions when I would drop something on the floor. Groping for that lost object, I asked my heavenly Father to help me. It was not instantaneous, but God always directed me to the place where the wandering item had landed. My faith increased as I saw God, the invisible, more than the visible world which was slowly passing from my eyes.


I am reminded of something Jesus did near Bethsaida when He fed the five thousand. In Luke’s gospel, Jesus took the five loaves of bread and the two fish, and blessed and “broke” them before the disciples distributed them to the multitude  (Luke 9:16). The bread had to be broken before it could be used to feed so many. It was broken before it became a display of the Lord’s power.


We are like that bread. Sometimes, we have to be broken to experience God’s glory. When we are dashed to pieces, we cry out to God. In humble dependence, we seek Him because we cannot do anything in our own strength. Jesus commanded us to ask, believing it will be given to us. We must storm heaven, asking for that all-sufficient grace, seeking divine strength, confidently knowing that these prayers will be answered because He faithfully fulfills His promises.


Friend, it is unlikely that you are going blind, but you may be broken in so many other ways. Maybe it is cancer, or another health issue. It could be financial burdens. Possibly, it is a wayward child or the grief of losing a loved one. Whatever the cause, call on God. He is the Master of putting broken pieces back together.  Ask Him for peace. Ask Him for grace. Ask Him for strength! It is yours because He has promised it.


What is your need today?  Take it to God and prepare to be amazed.