Having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will,

(Ephesians 1:5 NKJV)

Does your mind ever visit moments of heartache? Those hurtful memories buried deep within your thoughts that sometimes resurface. I was praying with praise and worship music in the background. Suddenly, this long-ago memory raced to the forefront of my mind.

You can imagine the name-calling I endured as a visually impaired child. Ridicule from my classmates cut deep, leaving scars of rejection. But my soul is ripped apart when I recall one particular name. Not from the kids at school, but from someone who was supposed to love me unconditionally. Her words sliced my heart once again, and they remain forever etched in my mind.

Suddenly, God spoke to me. “Daughter, you always tell women to turn to Ephesians chapter one so they can discover the names I have given them. Turn there now.”

Before I found the verse on my Bible app, I was repeating the names I knew I would see. Names I’ve written about many times. Beloved, accepted, chosen, holy, blameless, and forgiven.

As I read today’s verse, I stopped to consider the true meaning of “His good pleasure.” What exactly does that mean?

Let’s unpack today’s verse. God predestined us to be His sons and daughters. People get leery at the mention of predestination, but it simply means that God preordained us for adoption based on the work of Christ.

So, God planned to adopt us long before we were born. Here’s my favorite part of this verse. It was “according to the good pleasure of His will.” Now, I can do a happy dance about being adopted, but when I understand this part, I get a spring in my step.

The Greek word for “good pleasure” is “eudokian” which means “delight.” Our adoption was for God’s delight. He chose us because it pleased Him. But there’s more!

He adopted us for the delight of His will. “Will” means His purpose or desire.

He desired to delight in us. He delighted to desire us as His adopted children.

God takes yesterday’s raw hurt and gives us real healing today.

It no longer matters what people said in the past. It doesn’t matter what they say today. They have to own that.

But my heavenly Father says He delights in His desire to adopt me. He knew where and when I would mess up, and I messed up pretty bad at times. Despite my sin and shortcomings, He still wanted me. God made plans for us while we were still in our mother’s womb. Plans to give us a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11).

Sister, I don’t know the painful memories you carry, but I can point you to God and the chapter that contains His names for us, Ephesians chapter one. I can tell you without a doubt that God’s desire was to adopt you, and He delights every day in that desire. Reflect on that truth today. You are a delight!

Father, I cherish this love letter You have given me. All sixty-six books! My scars fade away when I read about Your great affection and desire for me. May I always remember Your awesome love. Amen.


Psalm 139:13-14 NKJV:

For You formed my inward parts;
You covered me in my mother’s womb.
I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well.



I have found that if I focus on God and what He says (which is true) I can avoid travelling through painful seasons. How can you move your thoughts towards God? Please leave your reply in the comments.


Here’s another devotional you might like: A Father to the Fatherless 

Faith grows when we understand God’s love. Learn more in Eyes of Faith: Winning the Battle Between Our Feelings and Our Faith





Originally posted on January 15, 2021 @ 3:00 am