
How Recognizing Jesus as King Can Radically Change Your Life

Do you ever feel you can’t get a break? The Christian walk isn’t easy, but today, it’s more than I can handle. COVID overwhelms our nation which sits in disarray. At homes, we see bills mounting up like Mount Everts. Stress boils over. Families and hearts are broken. Why do I feel as if I’m living in bondage when Jesus has set me free?

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You’re Not Who You Think You Are

Let’s get real honest, we often don’t like ourselves. We often call ourselves names we would never call our best friend. Names such as: idiot, stupid, fat, ugly, no-good, worthless, and the list continues. Where do these unhealthy labels come from?
Some were born out of names we heard from others. Especially family or teachers. Some arise from a warped view of ourselves. And in my case, it exists due to an impossible desire to never mess up.

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Jesus is the Light

  Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”  ...

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Emotionally Wounded by Fear

Without warning, the dog shot out of his doggie door, as His ferocious barks drowned out the traffic. He raced toward us while Iva, my guide dog, sensed his anger and she broke into a trot, trying to escape another dog attack.

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