And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” (Matthew 14:31 NKJV)

Without warning, the dog shot out of his doggie door, as His ferocious barks drowned out the traffic. He raced toward us while Iva, my guide dog, sensed his anger and she broke into a trot, trying to escape another dog attack. Despite her intelligence, Iva ignored the chain link fence between us and the would-be attacker. She realized my hand still held the harness, so she slowed her pace, returning to guide dog mode.

Iva’s first instinct was to flee, but it spoke volumes to me. My heart ached for her. As soon as we put some distance between us and the dog, I stopped. “Iva, wait.” She put on her brakes as I leaned over, stroking her head. Limited vision allowed me to cup her chin as her eyes met mine. “It’s OK.”

I love Iva like I love my daughter. I wanted to comfort her like you would comfort a child after a nightmare. What could I do? Past dog attacks had left her emotionally wounded. Fear had taken up residence in her heart. Witnessing her fright cut to the depths of this Lab mom’s soul.

We resumed walking, and Jesus spoke to me. I was no longer on the streets of my neighborhood, but I had been transported to a boat on the Sea of Galilee. Waves crashed and the wind howled, but Jesus stood on the raging sea. Who was that with Jesus? It’s Peter! Just moments earlier, he had climbed out of the boat and walked on the water, but something grabbed his attention. The thunder roared and Peter began to sink. “Save me!”

Jesus grabbed Peter’s hand preventing him from sinking.

Then Jesus spoke to Peter. I couldn’t hear His words, but I recognized the love in His eyes. His voice carried the same reassurance as mine did when I calmed Iva. “Oh, you of little faith.”

Friend, Has the thunder of trouble caught you off-guard today? What has caused your heart to pump a little faster? Is there something you want to flee from like Iva, or are you sinking in the sea of chaos?

Jesus’s words didn’t condemn Peter. Jesus isn’t condemning us either. Maybe you hear Jesus speaking the same phrase to you today. “Oh you of little faith.”

He’s encouraging you because He knows something you don’t know. He knows that whatever has terrorized you cannot reach you. He knows He will grab your hand the moment you begin to sink.

We must trust Jesus because He sees what we cannot. He knows what we cannot know. For example, I knew the fence separated Iva from the dog she wanted to escape. Jesus knew Peter wouldn’t drown. He knows exactly what is going on in your life today. He will hold your hand. He will help you. He will protect you. That is why He tells us not to fear.

Allow your heart to absorb that reminder. Let it flood the deep places of your soul where fear and despair hide. Let His comfort give you the confidence to climb out of the boat and walk on water.

Father, sometimes I feel emotionally wounded from fear. Help me remember that You will not allow this trouble to swallow me, and You are ready to grab my arm if I begin to sink. Amen.


Read Matthew 14:22-32.



Do feelings of fear make you feel guilty? Jesus understands these emotions, but He wants Your trust. What is holding you back from complete trust in Christ? How can you take one step today to trust wholeheartedly?


Do you ever feel like you don’t respond to fearful events like a good Jesus girl should? As a blind woman guided by a black Lab, I have faced several scary situations. I’ve discovered that although faith is my goal, doing it afraid isn’t wrong. Imagine the relief you would feel to step out in faith, unashamed of any lingering fear and confidently walk with Jesus by your side. Now imagine having a devotional that speaks to those needs. My Guide Dog Tales Bundle contains two 30-day devotionals focusing on overcoming obstacles, fear, and developing a deeper faith during everyday life with Iva. Learn more here and save $$$



Originally posted on May 21, 2021 @ 3:00 am