For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.

(Colossians 3:3 NKJV)

Let’s get real honest, we often don’t like ourselves. We often call ourselves names we would never call our best friend. Names such as: idiot, stupid, fat, ugly, no-good, worthless, and the list continues. Where do these unhealthy labels come from?

Some were born out of names we heard from others. Especially family or teachers. Some arise from a warped view of ourselves. And in my case, it exists due to an impossible desire to never mess up.

I distinctly remember the day I was reading a book on this topic while on the bus. The “Aha” moment occurred. If you had been next to me, I would have given you an elbow nudge as I declared never to do this again. A few minutes after arriving home, I realized I had left my backpack on the bus. There it came…right out of my lips…idiot!

Then my mind screamed, “Stop!” I want to be the friend telling you to stop today.

Let’s unpack this verse. Christ died for you. If He hadn’t died for anyone else, He would have died just for you. That’s how precious you are in His sight. His death and resurrection made it possible for you to spend eternity with Him in heaven. When Christ died, you and I died “in” Him.

God required a penalty for sin. Death. Christ stepped forward and volunteered to die in our place. So, when He died, we died “in” Him.

And when He rose, we rose in Him as a new creation. Hidden in Christ.

My friend, since we are in Christ, answer these questions; Am I an idiot? Is Christ (where I am hidden) an idiot? Need I go any further?

I also like this verse:

For in Him we live and move and have our being… (Acts 17:28a NKJV)

We live, move, and have our being in Christ. In other words, we exist in Christ. Isn’t that exciting?

Friend you are complete in Christ. Many times, we feel shattered or incomplete. Like we have no purpose in life, but to make mistakes. But that’s not who Christ says we are. He says we are hidden in Him. He wants us to feel whole, but we have to make a commitment like I did that day on the bus. Refuse to allow the devil to have free reign over your mind and your mouth. Whether you have degraded yourself or someone else has done it, it’s still the work of the enemy. Refuse to allow those thoughts to rest in your mind. Speak Christ’s words over yourself.

Here’s the important part; believe what Jesus Christ says about you. Not what your parents or family says. Not what your husband or boyfriend says. No one!

You are Christ’s and He is yours, and you are a beautiful masterpiece created for God’s purpose.

Lord Jesus, I believe I am hidden in You. Help me stop using unhealthy labels. Help me discover who I am in You. Amen.


Read Ephesians chapter 1 and underline every word or phrase that labels you as a daughter of the King.


Preventing the labels from being spoken is only part of the cure. You also must stop those thoughts. Learn to replace each label, whether spoken or thought, with one of the healthy and true ones from Ephesians 1.


Learn more about harnessing your thoughts in Eyes of Faith: Winning the Battle Between Our Feelings and Our Faith HERE




Originally posted on August 7, 2020 @ 3:00 am