Would We Cry Hosana?
If Jesus entered our cities today, in a procession down Main Street, would we welcome Him with shouts of “Hosanna?” On that first Palm Sunday, the Jews honored Jesus as they lined the streets of Jerusalem, welcoming Him and waving palm branches.
We share much in common with the Jews that long ago day. Like them, we feel oppressed. Our top news stories tell of wars and rumors of war. Plagues and pestilence lurk in the shadows, and inflation soars with the scarcity of food looming.
The Peace Amidst the Panic
As the world spins to the rhythm of chaos, how’s it going in your part of the world? With tragedies in Afghanistan and hurricane Ida, you still have stuff going on. Stuff like an illness that refuses to subside, the juggling act you do with bills, and the depression that seeks to drown you. Life hangs in the balance between uncertainty and evil. What’s a girl supposed to do when her world spins faster and faster?
Overcoming Obstacles in 2023
Would you like to discover 10 ways you can be an overcomer in 2023? Check out my most recent article on ...
How to Control the Horror that Haunts Us
Terrorists no longer need planes. They can mow people over using a truck. The police who normally keep us safe are now being targeted, ambushed and killed. It can happen anytime and anywhere. Public bathrooms have become a hiding place for sexual predators. Our world no longer feels safe, and that frightens us.
Handling Insecurity
I sobbed, “God, why did You call me to write when I can’t see to proofread?” When I self-published my first book, Incense Rising, I knew nothing about publishing. Imagine my shock when I realized I had to proof the manuscript in ten days. Within twenty-four hours, life became unkind and traumatic.
I needed my husband’s help. I waited for him to return from his weekend trip to check on his brother, but he couldn’t come home. He found his brother on life support, and the doctors demanded Timmy stay in the area.
I needed his brother to revive. I needed my husband home. I needed God to miraculously correct the manuscript, but God had other plans.
Get Close to Jesus
Christians cherish an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, but are we willing to go the extra mile to achieve it? Let’s dissect this verse to learn how Mary kept her love for Christ fervent.
Knowing Who You Are and Whose You Are
Unworthy, unfit, unable, unloved, undeserving, and uneducated. These are a few of the tags we often label ourselves with. Many more exist, and they don’t all start with that particular prefix.
Surviving Christmas with Depression
Darkness engulfs our days. Like the sun slipping away earlier and earlier each day, we find it difficult to grasp onto hope. Pain envelopes us with its tentacles. Defeat covers us at night and greets us each morning. A tear-soaked pillow cradles our head as we contemplate life…and death.
I cry out to God once again. “Where are You?” No reply. Why doesn’t He answer? I know Hebrews 13:5 is still true:
The Nakedness of Shame
The first negative emotion to make its grand entrance into the world was shame, shortly followed by fear. Both occurred as a result of sin.
Spiritual Spring Cleaning
10 Ways to Spring Clean Your Quiet Time, a new article by Carolyn on iBelieve...