God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

(1 Corinthians 1:9 NIV)

This week has been filled with uncertain moments. I’ve spent hours on the phone getting nowhere with a mail order company. Among all the stress, Iva gave us some comic relief, while walking, but even she had an uncertain moment.

“Iva, forward!” I instructed my guide dog, a beautiful black Lab. She didn’t budge, but looked right and then left. All I heard was the sound of the train less than a mile from here, but the loud sound confused Iva. I believe she heard the train, and although she couldn’t see anything, she knew she heard something.

I didn’t want to interfere with her cautious nature, so I waited until she felt confident in safely crossing the street.

I laughed thinking of Iva looking for the train, but don’t we do the same thing? Do we have those false alarms in our lives? Do uncertain times make us anxious?

Sometimes, things aren’t what they seem. At the first sign of trouble, we have a knee-jerk response, before taking time to check into it.

I got a bill last week from my doctor. My husband read the amount next to “balance due.” Immediately, a response of panic transpires, but then I asked him what insurance had paid, and did both companies pay. They had only billed one company and not the other. No response necessary. We simply wait.

When we get intentional about having an intimate relationship with God, we know His faithfulness. No matter the number on a bill, He provides.

We get surprised when circumstances seem odd, like a high bill from the doctor, or a train coming up the street. Before we take the time to check into the situation, we have already jumped to the wrong conclusions.

A close fellowship with the Lord keeps us in His peace. It keeps us under control, but I want to fix things. I spent more time trying to straighten matters out than I did in prayer. No wonder I felt stretched to my limit! I knew better I knew to get off the phone and pray.

We have to walk in close fellowship with Jesus 24/7. Our first response to uncertainty should always be prayer. Phone calls can come later and may be more productive after a time of prayer.

What uncertainties surround you today? Take them to the Lord. Then with a smile on your face, make a phone call before jumping to conclusions.

Originally posted on March 6, 2023 @ 1:00 am