What Does the Bible Really Say About Wives and Submission?
Submission has become one of the most misunderstood commands in Scripture. Men have used it to rule over their wives with force and even abuse. Some churches have made women inferior to men as a whole.
Let’s see what submission really means.
It’s Not the Happiest Time of the Year
IT’S NOT THE HAPPIEST TIME OF THE YEAR For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him...
From Bitter to Blessed
Have you walked through a season where you felt abandoned by God? I have, when depression clouded my mind. Maybe, you feel God doesn’t love you, or God has withheld His blessings from you, while everyone around you is abundantly blessed. Do you think God’s mad at you, or are you angry with Him?
Start Thinking Like the New You
Do you like yourself? Here’s a better question: are you comfortable in your skin? As Christians, we are new creations, but someone didn’t send that memo to our brains. We don’t think like new creations. In fact, we still think like worldly Christians.
Filling the Empty Parts of Our Marriages
Most couples begin their marriage at a climatic peak and full of joy, but this couple’s wedding day had some major problems. Mary, the mother of Jesus, told Him they had run out of wine. Mary went straight to Jesus with her dilemma, and I love that she didn’t tell Him what to do.
This is Your Promise
Have you found yourself in a situation where you wish God would descend a divine staircase, pull up a chair, sit down, and give you clear direction, like when He talked to Abraham? Was it so easy for Abraham to believe God’s incredible promises because he spoke to God as a friend?
Tapping Into the Resurrection Power
I’ll never forget that warm autumn day when I got that text. I held my phone as if it might leap out of my hands. After eight painful years, I had heard from my daughter. Joy, unbelief, and astonishment blended together in my heart as crimson leaves fell to the ground.
I’d prayed for this every day since she left us. I knew this would be the beginning of a difficult rebuilding process, but I accepted that challenge just to hear from her again.
Our focal verses come from Paul’s prayer for the Ephesian church. Paul didn’t pray for God to fill them with power. We have all received His power at salvation. Instead, Paul wanted the Ephesians and us to realize His power flows through us by the Holy Spirit.
The Enemy’s Attack on Our Marriages
Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”
Genesis 1:26 NKJV
What is the one word in the above verse that has triggered Satan’s attack on marriage from the Garden of Eden until now? Dominion. God gave Adam and Eve authority overall creation, and that same authority extends to us today. God created mankind in His own image, blessed them, and put them in charge.