
God Says “Rest”

When my doctor recommended taking naps, the chains of guilt began breaking. In my mind, naps wasted time. I viewed any kind of break as a lack of productivity. My slightly elevated blood pressure and itchy eczema clued my doctor in on my stress.

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Words Hurt

One of the greatest lies we were told as children was that little rhyme: Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. All the while we stuffed those slurs deep inside. We reminded ourselves that the words carried no weight, but if they were so meaningless, why do we hear them over and over again?
The name-calling doesn’t end when we leave the school playground. Once we discover the power of words, we begin using them to attack Those who have inflicted pain on us.
Unless you have been a life-long Christian, you may be quite skilled with the weapons called words. Let’s look at the verbal bullets used in marriage. Where there is a couple, there is conflict.

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How to Pray for Our Husbands

Wouldn’t it be great if we could sit down with Jesus, maybe over a pizza, as He taught us how to pray for our husbands? Well Jesus won’t be eating pizza with us, but we can learn how to pray for our men by reading His instructions for husbands in Scripture.
Let’s start with this passage found in 1 Peter. Husbands are to dwell with their wives with understanding.

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Before We Pray Our Suffering Away

We’ve all been there. The illness that disrupts our daily lives. The financial meltdown. The darkness of depression. The heartache of abandonment. The grief over a precious loved one. Nobody likes suffering, and we don’t want it to last one minute longer than possible.
But it is in our suffering that we grow. We are refined. We mature and blossom.
Consider the suffering of Job. He lost all his livestock, all his children, all but one servant and a wife with messed up theology. Not to mention three friends he probably wanted to lose.
We are privy to the agreement between Satan and God, but Job never knew why he suffered so dramatically.

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