“Surely blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply you.” And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise.

Hebrews 6:14-15 NKJV

I’m sure you never had anyone warn you not to get ahead of yourself, or have you? Typically, I walk right in pace with Iva. Sometimes, I continuously say, “Steady! Steady, Iva!” That happens when we visit the bank, and she rushes to get a milk bone. But today, I got ahead of Iva.

We were walking with a friend, and I was caught up in conversation. Iva stopped, and I abruptly hit my brakes. I realized my mind wasn’t on Iva like it should be. I made a point to slow my pace. Suddenly, Iva stopped again, and I almost ran into her and the parked car she was showing me. My legs were moving as fast as my tongue.

I commented to my friend about getting ahead of Iva, and how it’s not good. Then it dawned on me. How often do we get ahead of God?

Those times when we wait hour after hour, day after day, and week after week, but no answer comes. No word from God. No healing. No relief. No breakthrough. Thoughts invade our mind. Maybe I should do this or that? Take the matter into my own hands.

Our key verse today is about Abraham. It says Abraham patiently endured, but in the midst of an extended wait, Sarah grew weary in waiting.

God had promised the elderly couple a son from whom multiple descendants would come. Years passed, and Sarah got in one of those moods. Sarah ran ahead of God. She gave her handmaid, Hagar to Abraham to have the promised child. Nine months later, Hagar gave birth to Ishmael, and the world hasn’t been right since. Yes, Abraham and Sarah finally conceived and had their promised son, Isaac. Yes, Abraham became the father of many nations. But Ishmael and Hagar became a thorn in Sarah’s flesh. A point of contention between brothers and between all three adults involved.

Eventually, God told Abraham to send Hagar and Ishmael away at Sarah’s request. Isaac’s descendants (Israel) still battle with Ishmael’s descendants) Muslims). Thousands of years later, strife still runs deep between Abraham’s sons. All because Sarah got ahead of God. Abraham could have refused, but he joined Sarah in giving God a hand.

Iva can’t help me or protect me when I get ahead of her. Her job is to lead. My part is to follow her.

When we get in front of God, we stir up trouble. He allows us to walk at our own pace, shaking His head mumbling something about His adorable impatient child. Yes, that’s me.

Tomorrow, I will remember not to get ahead of Iva for my own good. She can’t lead when I’m ahead. Friend, let’s not make the mistake of getting ahead of God. When we get ahead of God, God’s not leading. We are.


Originally posted on May 15, 2020 @ 3:00 am