
What does Bearing Our Cross Look Like?

Have you ever heard anyone talk about bearing their cross? Were they referring to some light affliction such as a person they cannot get along with or their job? These people certainly have not denied themselves or taken up their cross.

Let’s look at the cross of Christ.

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Defining Emotional Bondage

When I learned that the ladies at church had planned a beach trip, I couldn’t understand why I wasn’t invited. Then I recalled the whispered conversations I had overheard. Don’t they know I love the beach? Since I’m blind, I can only go when hubby takes a week off.
Maybe that was the problem; I’m a burden. Thoughts of rejection bombarded me throughout the day.
I called a friend to rehash the incident. She couldn’t believe it either. What rude behavior for Christians!
I had to walk through many of these incidents over the years before I realized that rejection held me captive.

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When My Plans Are Blown

When I processed the final dollar amount, my heart sank. I had prayed for God’s direction, and He led me to Genesis chapter twenty-two, the story about Abraham and Isaac.

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Celebrating King Jesus

“You’re grounded.” When I announced the punishment for breaking the rules in my house, chaos followed.
“Go to your room.”
After she slammed her bedroom door, shaking the house, she screamed as loud as she could. Sounds of banging and crashing followed. More chaos ensued.
As Christians, we don’t throw tantrums each time we don’t get our way, but we will face the consequences when we don’t line up with our King.
Everyone loves the baby King Jesus, cute and cuddly in His swaddling cloths. Christmas cards portray a heavenly glow surrounding the baby King in the manger. Babies grow up. How do we celebrate Jesus Christ as King?

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Why We Need Patience

I lack patience like a dying plant lacks water on a hot day. However, James has stirred up a passion for patience within me.

James gives us several examples of patience.

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