Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us,

(Ephesians 3:20 NKJV)

When I processed the final dollar amount, my heart sank. I had prayed for God’s direction, and He led me to Genesis chapter twenty-two, the story about Abraham and Isaac. God had asked Abraham to sacrifice his only son. Abraham obediently proceeded, and at the last possible moment, God stopped him and provided a ram. God provides, but this price traveled well past the realm of possibilities. Not God’s possibilities, but I could hear myself explaining this one to my husband. I could picture my reaction if he spent this amount of money.

My plans and dreams ignited and went up in smoke. Have you ever experienced something similar? Did hopes and dreams suddenly become a pile of ashes?

Still dazed from the shock, I looked at our focal verse, and I realized something. God might have blown up my plans because His plans are better.

We define the word able as a weak word. Pay close attention to how it’s used in the following sentences:

Is he able to finish on time?

Are you able to fix the toilet?

I hope I’m able to attend the conference.

We use the word with a hint of doubt. But the Greek word Paul used in today’s verse for able will blow our minds. It is dynaminŌ. Does that look like any English words you recognize? Do you recall the seventies sitcom Good Times? I can picture JJ flashing his smile with his infectious enthusiasm as he phonetically declared, “Dyn-o-mite!”

Since God’s ability is explosive, why did my plans blow up instead of an earth-shattering windfall of money? You might ask that question too.

Sweet friend, God’s power is limitless, and I’ve witnessed it. You’ve witnessed it. Can you think of a time when God’s answer to prayer was exceedingly abundantly above what you asked or even thought?

God is more powerful than our vocabulary allows, but God is also sovereign. He rules my world, not me. God is in full control, and aren’t we so glad?

Dynomite is used in demolition projects. An outdated hazardous building might have to implode into a million pieces in order to build a sturdier, more modern building. One more superior than the old one.

God sometimes shatters our plans to implement His superior plan.

Despite what we see, we must trust God. Today, I don’t see anything new and exciting on the horizon. All I see is dust settling from a heap of rubble that used to be my most exciting venture. So, I will believe God, because He is able to destroy and rebuild, and I know something amazingly better is ahead. Something abundantly exceedingly above what I can ever imagine.

You might be picking up the pieces of your life right now. Friend, make Ephesians 3:20 your prayer. Trust that God has something explosive ahead of you.

Lord, I don’t understand my life right now, but I am going to hold You to Your promise that You are able to do exceedingly, abundantly above what I ask. For Your glory and honor. I am looking forward to the next chapter in my life. Amen.


Read Ephesians 1:19 NKJV:

and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power


Write out a prayer using today’s verse, or put the verse somewhere you will see it often. Pray it and speak it over yourself.


When life falls apart, we need more encouragement than usual. That is why I wrote Overcoming the Overwhelming: Walking in Victorious Faith When You Don’t Feel Victorious. Learn more here!



Originally posted on May 17, 2021 @ 3:00 am