
My Word for 2023: Peace

I broke the silence in the car. “I see why God gave me the word peace this year.”
Just an hour earlier, the doctor should have scheduled my surgery, but instead, he wanted me to get a second opinion from another neurosurgeon, a deformity doctor. It seems my scoliosis has created havoc in my back.

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Shoes of peace

  Welcome back to part 3 of our Armor of God prayer strategy. If you missed the first episodes, you can catch up on them here. Today, we have...

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Does God Really Want Us to Prosper?

When I realized God truly wants us to prosper, I was stunned. The so-called “prosperity gospel” has tainted the idea of success for Christians. John prayed for his readers to prosper (3 John 1:1). Paul made a connection between giving and prospering (1 Cor. 16:2).
God gave Joshua (and us) the key to prosperity in our focal verse.

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When I’m Inadequate

Do you ever feel like you’re not enough? Either you don’t have enough or no matter what you do, it isn’t sufficient. Feelings of uselessness threaten to overwhelm your tender heart. Confusion clouds your thoughts because you had prayed about this. God is able to do exceedingly above and beyond anything we can ask or think, but not this time. Why can’t I ever get it right?

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Trusting in His Promises and His Presence

Undeserved and unkind words stung. Just as fleshly weapons of retaliation began to take flight from my lips, I stopped. This person isn’t my enemy, but I know who is. An enemy that I can only fight with spiritual weapons. Ephesians 6:10-11 says:

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