What the Bible Says About Stress
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When 24 Hours Aren’t Enough
I’m preparing a fabulous dinner. None of this convenience food. Everything is made from scratch. I’ve got the roast in the oven and I’m peeling potatoes. My sister is handling the rolls. A knock at the door sends a wave of panic through me. It’s the guest of honor!
Mary retreats to the living room to greet Him, leaving the rolls unattended. Tick, tick, tick, the clock counts down the minutes. Isn’t she coming back to help? Did she leave me in the kitchen to do everything by myself?
I step into the living room, and immediately, I realize Mary isn’t returning.
Guide Dog Tales: God Still Heals
Timmy turned, looking in the back seat. His voice was one of shock. “Iva, what’s wrong? Your eyes are swollen!”
She hadn’t acted like herself when Timmy came home. She didn’t meet him at the door. She didn’t want to come with us as we hurried out the door to run an errand.
But now, back at home, it all made sense. Something was wrong. I coaxed her out of the car,
Do We Pass the Test?
God tested Abraham when He commanded Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, his only son (Gen. 22:1-2). Like most trials, this one did not make sense. God had never required a human sacrifice. It was in direct contrast to His nature. Why would God take Abraham’s son of old age, especially when He had promised to make Abraham the father of many nations?
God tests us so we can learn to trust Him. Abraham passed the test. Not once during the three-day journey to the mountain of sacrifice did he questions God. Abraham knew God as Jehovah Jireh, “The-Lord-Will-Provide”.
Understanding the Staff of the Good Shepherd
good shepherd’s staffHas peace enveloped you as the Holy Spirit speaks? “This is the way; walk in it.” You’re about to embark on something illogical, but peace surrounds you. The illogical ideas often come from God, like Noah building an ark when he had never seen rain.
Following Mom’s Example
I want to install central air in my house, but know-it-all Kate says I need to save my money. It’s my money, and I should be able to spend it like I want.”
Mom had grown weary of finding someone to install and remove the window unit each spring and fall. My mom had worked hard all her life, pulling double shifts at the local nursing home until she retired when my dad received his cancer diagnosis.
When Your Abnormal is Normal
In recent weeks, I have felt out of sorts, depressed, anxious, distressed, or just a case of the blues. My energy tank is running on empty. I pray. I read. I write. I clean, wash dishes, do laundry and go for a walk. Nothing satisfies me. Nothing can quench my thirst for socialization. Shocking since writers tend to isolate. What is wrong with me? Are you sharing any of my symptoms? This is abnormal for me, but my abnormal is quite normal.
How Do We Find Strength?
With each painful step, I felt old. My left leg couldn’t even line up with my right leg. Filled with so much inflammation, it stuck out toward the side. I want to walk normal again. I want to walk my dog, Iva again.