And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose

(Romans 8:28 NKJV)

Last year at this time, Covid attacked my body.  I’ve never been so weak or sick in my life. It took forever to gain my strength back.

Unwilling to catch the dreaded virus for a second round, I stayed home. Since sick people refused to stay home, I decided I would hibernate, as I called it.

Each year, I ask God for a word for that year, and the word for 2021 proved quite interesting. Connect. How was I going to make any connections hibernating? Previously, I planned to launch a women’s ministry Facebook group in February. I thought that group would serve as my point of connection, but God proved me wrong.

The group has flourished and I now serve over two hundred women through my devotions, live messages, and prayer. Never underestimate God, but we do. Allow me to share what God can do during a pandemic.

First, I connected with Redemption Press through a writers’ conference. During my hibernation, I virtually attended as many conferences as possible. I’ve signed with Redemption Press for my next book, and I am thrilled to be part of that family.

Another conference I attended online was Speak Up, and afterward, I joined their growth groups. Then I became a member of AWSA (Advanced Writers and Speakers Association).

Through these groups, God connected me with many like-minded women. Through these connections I have had the honor of having my devotions published on web sites other than my own. I have done interviews for podcasts and I have a radio interview coming up shortly. I’ve cultivated friendships with women in ministry.

Only God can take a pandemic and take connection to an unbelievable level.

Friend, I don’t know what you are going through, but I hope this encourages you to expect the unexpected from God.  He always blows my mind when I least expect it.

I don’t know your needs or your weariness. I don’t know how Covid and the restrictions have negatively affected you. For many people, it’s been deadly and disastrous, so I don’t underestimate the horrors this virus has left in its path.

I do know our God, and I know we can trust Him. I know He is sovereign, but He is also able to accomplish something our minds cannot fathom.

Today, I encourage you to hope in God. He will comfort and give you peace. He will open doors that appear closed. I didn’t write this to brag on me, but to brag on God. I want you to trust Him to help you in the place where you find yourself today.

Heavenly Father, today I remind You of Your Word. You are able to do above and beyond all we can ask or think. Your power is like no other. Turn my world upside down. Thank You for the amazing thing You are going to do. Amen.


Read Ephesians 3:20 NKJV:

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, 


Examine your prayer requests. How can you ask bigger?


Would you like to be a member of the Facebook group I mentioned above? I’d love to have you. Click here to join.



Originally posted on November 15, 2021 @ 3:02 am