As iron sharpens iron,
So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.

(Proverbs 27:17 NKJV)

Wow! Connect seems like an unlikely word in the middle of a growing pandemic, but it is the word I believe God has given me for 2021.

Last year’s word was odd too: destiny. I doubt anyone felt 2020 was their year for destiny, but I think I have arrived at my spot for destiny. God has me right where He wants me for such a time as this. Ready to march into 2021 and make connections.

You might ask, “Carolyn, how are you going to connect with people with social distancing?”

Social distancing doesn’t mean we are socially distant.

Don’t worry! I’m not connecting in person, but online. I can only reach a limited number of people in person, but look what God did in 2020. Look what you all have done in 2020.

In March 2020, I began a Wednesday night live message. In the fall, by popular demand, I added two additional messages to my weekly schedule. In 2021, I am going even further.

I will be creating a Facebook group for “A Mountain of Faith.” This is where I will connect with you, my people, the people I serve. We will kick things off with a Bible study in May based on my next book in the Guide Dog Tales Series: Walking by Faith, Not Sight.”

In that group, we will pray for one another and as our focal verse says, we will sharpen one another. We will bear one another’s burdens. We will lift up one another, and we will love one another.

After my bout with COVID last month, I have become a bit of a hermit. Since people won’t stay home when they are sick, I’ll be staying home to stay well. Yes, you can catch COVID again and again. What better place for a writer? I’ll have plenty of time to write, but I also have more time to connect with you, my friends.

Human connection is vital, and sometimes connecting through a phone call, Zoom, or Messenger just doesn’t quite offer what my soul craves. It’s important to have personal interaction with “your group.” That can look different for each of us. For some, it is the members of our household or immediate family. For others, it might include some neighbors or a few close friends. Total isolation and seclusion aren’t healthy.

Connecting with others online is a great resource to supplement our lack of in-person interactions. I am so excited about my plans for 2021. I look forward to getting to know each one of you better.

Make sure you stay safe in 2021. Stay healthy, but stay connected.

Lord Jesus, we all need more time to connect with You. As our world is continually changing, help us all pray more and pray harder in 2021. Place people in our paths and make the right connections in our lives. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Read Colossians 1:3 NKJV

We give thanks to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying always for you,


Are you safely keeping up with people face-to-face so that you are not becoming blue or depressed? Please leave a comment to let me know that you want to be part of this Facebook group once I create it.


Reading has been my go-to hobby during 2020. Check out these specials in the shop. Click here!


Originally posted on January 1, 2021 @ 9:00 pm