Two are better than one,
Because they have a good reward for their labor.
For if they fall, one will lift up his companion.
But woe to him who is alone when he falls,
For he has no one to help him up.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 NKJV

You’re knocking at my door again. I don’t want to let you in, but I must hide you. No one can know you are here.

That is the first mistake we make with depression. When it arrives, we want to sweep it under a rug. I have done it numerous times myself, but today, I have to tell someone. I must make your presence known to someone. But who?  Who won’t judge me? Who won’t tell it to be gone in the name of Jesus, but someone who will intercede on my behalf?

The enemy wants me to keep it to myself, but I know that is his trick. As I type the text on my keyboard to someone, tears race down my cheeks. What will they say? How will they react?

Friend, this is huge. We cannot hide the darkness. We have to expose it. Out of my pain, I write this devotional, but as I share my deepest secrets with you, I feel the light chasing the darkness away. I hear chain’s as they hit the floor. Exposing the enemy is an immense step in defeating him.

I received a reply from my chosen prayer warrior. This person reminded me to speak Scripture over myself and these problems. They reminded me that it is the work of my enemy. They began praying for me.

Who is your prayer warrior? You need one that won’t condemn, but one who knows how to roll up their sleeves, get down on their knees, and intercede on your behalf. Someone who knows how to ring heaven’s bells.

Moses prayed as Israel fought the Amalekites. He held up the rod Of God, the symbol of God’s power. Moses grew weary. Have you ever grown weary in prayer? That is the type of prayer warriors we need, and we need to do what Aaron and Hur did for Moses.

They interceded by holding up his arms. Today, you may be the one needing a prayer partner. Can’t find one? Message me. I will intercede for you, because it is that vital.

Perhaps you are the intercessory prayer warrior. Pray without ceasing. Pray until you are physically exhausted. And the rest of us, we need to pray for our leaders. Pray for your pastor. He is interceding on someone’s behalf, and you can be Aaron and Hur for your pastor. I know, because I feel it now as my pastor prays for me.

Don’t hide. Confide.

Lord, Thank You for prayer warriors that powerfully intercede for us when we are weak. Help me be that prayer partner for someone today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Read Exodus 17:7-16



I completely understand the stigma of depression, but you need at least one (preferably more) prayer warrior to go to battle for you. Find this person, and confide in them.


In Eyes of Faith, Carolyn shares her struggles about depression.

Eyes of Faith: Winning the Battle Between Our Feelings and Our Faith






Originally posted on August 31, 2020 @ 3:10 am