
Bring Our Children Home

As I read this verse, my mind raced back thirty years ago. I could relate to Rachel. I felt her pain. I had an overwhelming desire to have a child, but my body was uncooperative. I remember wandering into the baby section of the department stores only to leave feeling frustrated.

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Immanuel, God With Us

One of the most beautiful truths of Scripture stirs up much controversy. Whenever I write about Immanuel, or I state the true fact that Jesus Christ was God in the flesh, I receive comments denying the deity of Jesus Christ. Why do people hate this doctrine with such passion?
Perhaps some people never learned that Jesus was God with skin on. Maybe they adore a baby in a manger, but they don’t want God ruling their lives. Perhaps today’s verse isn’t clear when it gives us the translation. Whatever reason people use to deny this truth, they have missed the joy and comfort of knowing Jesus as Immanuel, God with us.

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How Recognizing Jesus as King Can Radically Change Your Life

Do you ever feel you can’t get a break? The Christian walk isn’t easy, but today, it’s more than I can handle. COVID overwhelms our nation which sits in disarray. At homes, we see bills mounting up like Mount Everts. Stress boils over. Families and hearts are broken. Why do I feel as if I’m living in bondage when Jesus has set me free?

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