If indeed, having been clothed, we shall not be found naked.  (2 Corinthians 5:3 NKJV)

The woman approached my book table at the craft sale. “I know you from somewhere.”

“What is your name?” I can usually recall names, but her first name didn’t ring a bell. She continued to insist she knew me from somewhere, so I requested her last name.

Immediately, I recognized the name. On a cold January night, I had rented a furnished single-wide trailer from her when living under my parents’ rules became impossible for this rebellious eighteen-year-old. I told her who I was, and she said I hadn’t changed a bit. White and grey streaks running through my dark brown hair, plus an additional forty pounds said otherwise, but something else had changed. I had to tell her before shame silenced me.

“One thing has changed. Jesus saved me and now I live for Him.”

I wanted her to know that the party girl no longer chugged beers or smoked weed. I might still play my music loud, but now it’s praise and worship music instead of disco.

She shared with me that she also had given her life to Christ.

I still live in the same small town where everyone knows everyone’s business. Whenever I think of my past, I feel a weight of shame, even though I live for Jesus now. I wasted so many years which I wish I could forget.

Shame strips us down and leaves us exposed, like Adam and Eve. After they sinned by eating the forbidden fruit, shame entered the garden of Eden accompanied by fear. God clothed them with the skins of animals, but one day a much superior covering would exist, the blood of Jesus Christ.

Look at today’s verse. What’s Paul talking about…being clothed and being found naked? He’s talking about leaving our earthly body at death and receiving a glorified body in heaven. Prior to making our heavenly trip, we have been clothed in the righteousness of Jesus Christ at salvation.

The devil uses shame as a weapon to slow us down. It directs us down the path of regret, and in the meantime, we have focused on something God has forgiven and chose to forget. We become entangled once again with a sin that has been covered by the blood of Christ. While the enemy sidetracks us, our worship and service has slowed down.

Friend, whatever haunts you from the past, know that Jesus died on the cross to pay for that sin. If God has saved you, do like God and select to forget that shameful past. If you’re not sure if you’ve ever been saved, pray this prayer, but you must have a sincere heart.

Heavenly Father, I confess I am a sinner. I have done things I regret. I am ready to turn from my rebellious life, living for myself and not for You. That stops now. Forgive me for my sin and save me. In Jesus’s name. Amen.


As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us. (Psalm 103:12 NKJV))


Don’t allow shame and guilt to dampen your today or your tomorrow. Look into the eastern sky. Now look toward the west. When they meet, you can feel that shame, but that will never happen.


If shame binds you, or even if it is an occasional threat, you can live free from shame along with all other forms of emotional bondage.  This fall, I will release a 60-day devotional journal, Faith That Walks on Water: Conquering Emotional Bondage with the Armor of God. Until then, join my women’s ministry Facebook group for daily encouragement and prayer. Click here. a



Originally posted on July 18, 2022 @ 3:00 am