What Does the Bible Say About What if?
Read The Alternative to What-Ifs by Carolyn Dale Newell. Christian women faith articles, encouragement, growth. — Read on...
Having It All Together
I never won an award for calmness or keeping it all together. Normally, I lose it. Last night, I did not recognize the tranquil woman beaming with peace. Was that me? I reminded myself that this was truly happening.
From My New Book: Faith, Freedom & 4 Paws… A Path to Freedom
I had been awake for hours. I said goodbye to my husband at the airport, caught a connecting flight in Charlotte, and flew into LaGuardia Airport. My first trip to the Big Apple. My first flight alone. I trusted God, releasing all potential fears to Him.
I arrived at GEB and met my seven classmates and our instructors. They issued our equipment, which was free. Everything at Guiding Eyes is free to the students: the airfare, training, room and board, the guide dog, and the freedom that accompanies the dog.
Why We Never Have to Worry
How will I pay these bills with the layoff? How will I buy my groceries plus this new prescription? I haven’t heard from the kids. I wonder if they’ve been in an accident. What will we do if the country shuts down? I worry about my aging parents’ health. I am afraid of losing my husband.
American women worry, and we are good at it.
5 Bible Verses About Freedom
Salvation is the free gift that cost Christ everything, but it cost us nothing.
What the Bible Says About Giving and Receiving
I felt God convicting me to help a family with a special needs child, but He directed me to give from my treasured vacation funds. Back in the day, I loved traveling, shopping, and enjoying fresh seafood on our annual trip to Nags Head, North Carolina. In obedience to God’s promptings, I gave, and I never missed the money when we took that trip.
God wants us to give in a sacrificial way. If you stick to a budget like I do, you have set your tithe amount in your budget for each month. Sacrificial giving has to come from another source where you don’t normally give. That’s what makes it a sacrifice.
Reclaim Our Joy
What trouble are you dealing with today? Look toward heaven. Don’t allow trouble to steal
your joy.
Stop Playing the Comparison Game
Have you ever scrolled through Facebook and found seeds of disillusionment beginning to take root? Photos of perfect family holidays and homes that look like they belong in a Better Homes and Gardens magazine create self-doubt. Do you ever compare yourself to a family member with the perfect husband and perfect kids along with a beautiful singing voice? Does your co-worker have organization down to a science? Why can’t my yard be perfectly manicured like my neighbors? Why did she sell thousands of books while I only sold hundreds?