Hiding the Hurt
You’re knocking at my door again. I don’t want to let you in, but I must hide you. No one can know you are here.
That is the first mistake we make with depression. When it arrives, we want to sweep it under a rug. I have done it numerous times myself, but today, I have to tell someone.
What Does the Bible Say About What if?
Read The Alternative to What-Ifs by Carolyn Dale Newell. Christian women faith articles, encouragement, growth. — Read on...
Having It All Together
I never won an award for calmness or keeping it all together. Normally, I lose it. Last night, I did not recognize the tranquil woman beaming with peace. Was that me? I reminded myself that this was truly happening.
From My New Book: Faith, Freedom & 4 Paws… A Path to Freedom
I had been awake for hours. I said goodbye to my husband at the airport, caught a connecting flight in Charlotte, and flew into LaGuardia Airport. My first trip to the Big Apple. My first flight alone. I trusted God, releasing all potential fears to Him.
I arrived at GEB and met my seven classmates and our instructors. They issued our equipment, which was free. Everything at Guiding Eyes is free to the students: the airfare, training, room and board, the guide dog, and the freedom that accompanies the dog.
Why We Never Have to Worry
How will I pay these bills with the layoff? How will I buy my groceries plus this new prescription? I haven’t heard from the kids. I wonder if they’ve been in an accident. What will we do if the country shuts down? I worry about my aging parents’ health. I am afraid of losing my husband.
American women worry, and we are good at it.
5 Bible Verses About Freedom
Salvation is the free gift that cost Christ everything, but it cost us nothing.
What the Bible Says About Giving and Receiving
I felt God convicting me to help a family with a special needs child, but He directed me to give from my treasured vacation funds. Back in the day, I loved traveling, shopping, and enjoying fresh seafood on our annual trip to Nags Head, North Carolina. In obedience to God’s promptings, I gave, and I never missed the money when we took that trip.
God wants us to give in a sacrificial way. If you stick to a budget like I do, you have set your tithe amount in your budget for each month. Sacrificial giving has to come from another source where you don’t normally give. That’s what makes it a sacrifice.
Reclaim Our Joy
What trouble are you dealing with today? Look toward heaven. Don’t allow trouble to steal
your joy.