How Can a Loving God Allow This?
We may feel as if God has abandoned us. As we travel through these valleys, we will embrace the magnitude of our Father’s love greater than ever before. How can a loving God allow the situations that hurt us?
How to Recognize the Attacks On Our Mind
Yesterday, I was a guest blogger at my friend, Rita Kroon’s web site. Please visit there to read the entire post click here. For though we walk...
Is Seasonal Affective Disorder Real and what you can do to combat it
Do you ever feel down in the fall or winter. There might be a reason for that. Read here:...
5 Bible Verses All About Freedom
There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the...
What the Bible Says about Cross Bearing
What cross are you bearing today? “We don’t know what crosses we will have to bear.” My cousin referred to my vision impairment and her poor health as we parted ways at the cemetery after my mom’s graveside service over a decade ago.
God’s Word always has something new and enlightening to show us As I studied our focal verse, I realized cross-bearing has nothing to do with disabilities or illness. It doesn’t refer to the trials we endure.
Walking Away From the Past
But Ruth said: “Entreat me not to leave you, Or to turn back from following after you; For wherever you go, I will go; And wherever you...
God Doesn’t Despise Our Tears
This morning, I read Scriptures about the sinfulness of worry. I hung my head, ashamed. Then I heard a song. I recognized the Scriptures tucked away in the lyrics, and I realized God doesn’t despise my tears. On the contrary, He draws near the brokenhearted and as our Great Physician, He binds up our wounds) Ps. 147:3).