How Can We Handle Anger?
I wish angels carried heavenly duct tape so they could prevent me from spewing out words when anger rouses up within me. I can relate to the Apostle Peter. Talking before thinking, and if I’m burning with rage, I’ll be shouting rather than talking.
The Power of Praise
If I invited you to walk with Iva and me today, you might ask, “Why is she stopping here?”
There’s no car or obstacle. Then you would probably ask why I am laughing so hard and shaking my head.
Are You Willing to Radically Seek God?
Isn’t God everywhere? At all places and at all times? Yes, He surely is, but we aren’t talking about God’s omnipresence. We need to be in His manifest presence, the moving of the Holy Spirit.
A Personal NOte From Carolyn
I apologize for not writing any new devotions this week. On September 19, I began a journey of pain with sciatica. I am trying to do some work, but...
Are We listening for God’s Voice?
How often do you lose your keys, the remote control, or your wallet? Can you imagine the frustration a blind person feels while searching the house for something they cannot see? I can’t scan the floor or sofa. I have to feel every inch of it with my hands.
My phone and portable keyboard go missing several times daily, so I bought a device called Tile that connects wirelessly with an app on my phone to ring my keyboard. I can also push the Tile on my keyboard and it rings my phone. But I must listen in quiet to follow the ringing sound.
Some things interfere with finding my missing device ASAP, such as the noise from the TV or people talking. Silence is imperative for listening and receiving the message.
In our focal verse, Jesus says, “If any man hears my voice.” We must hear the voice of Jesus in order to open that door and fellowship with Him. Not necessarily an audible voice, but a definite impression.
Fingertips of Grace
I could not distinguish the pattern of dots. Again and again, I ran my finger across them. Frustration boiled up inside of me, and I wanted to slam the braille book onto the floor and declare, “I quit,” but I couldn’t do that. The impact would flatten the raised dots, making it difficult for someone else to feel them. Someone who could learn braille easier than this 50-year-old woman. Besides, the vision loss would continue, and I had to learn to live without sight.
How God Taught Me to Live Without Sight
Have you ever been out in public when all the lights went out? As adrenalin rushes through your body, you sense the sudden apprehension. The lights didn’t totally go out for me, but I felt that same anxious fear arise when I walked into someone because I never saw them. Try walking into a pickup truck with the big lift kit. Thank God, it was parked. The multiple accidents. The knowing that laundry was more difficult to sort. Although doctors had assured me my lifelong visual impairment had stabilized, never to get worse, I knew I was going blind. New doctors confirmed what I already knew, and I began learning how to live in the dark.
Real Healing for Raw Hurt
Does your mind ever visit moments of heartache? Those hurtful memories buried deep within your thoughts that sometimes resurface. I was praying with praise and worship music in the background. Suddenly, this long-ago memory raced to the forefront of my mind.