Is God Leading Me?
How can we know without a doubt that the voice we hear is God and not our own thoughts? Sometimes, I recognize His voice and I can immediately act on it. When a quick response is necessary, I’ve received His direction and even a confirmation within an hour. Typically, discerning the voice of God requires time.
He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands
Certain circumstances and dates frame our lives. Graduations, weddings, beginning a new job and leaving an old one. Some dates are forever etched in our minds: September 11, 2001, the day you were diagnosed with cancer, the day your husband, child, or parent abandoned you, or the day someone pass from this world.
When our world falls apart, God holds it together.
When we walk by sight, we see the ruins of our lives as we once knew them. Before the accident. Before the stroke. Before the natural disaster. But my friend, that is why God’s people walk by faith, and not sight.
Beware of Our Changing Culture
Our world is changing rapidly, and Christians must examine these changes in accordance with Scripture. Satan slips in subtlety, making alertness a necessity.
What the Bible Says About Abortion
*So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:27 NKJV) Each of...
What Happened Between Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday?
Have you ever wondered what happened in the spirit world before Jesus’s resurrection? It’s one of the most disagreed upon topics, but we will tackle it as best we can without going outside of the bounds of Scripture.
Slaughtering the Goliath in Your Life
What giant are you facing today? Perhaps it’s a giant stack of bills. It could be a health crisis, a family crisis, or a job crisis. What ever it is, my friend, it’s a giant when it is your crisis.
Guest Post: A Battle Plan for Depression
Hello, my name is Lori. I am a counselor with a master’s degree in clinical mental health and undergraduate degrees in biblical Studies and...