
Love Shouldn’t Have to Hurt

Is it safe to say we all desire love? But sometimes love creates pain. For many years, I tried to fill the void in my heart, but I was looking for love in all the wrong places. And not in the face of Jesus Christ. Through those seasons, I never knew Jesus.

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New! Peace in a Warring World

For weeks after my spinal fusion surgery, I doubted myself. I even doubted God. Had I misunderstood the peace about this major surgery in the months preceding it? Could I even be sure of what God lays upon my heart?

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How Can We Possess Strong Faith, Not Weak Faith?

I didn’t feel the epidural, until the steroids hit my leg. As I moaned, the doctors encouraged me, “We hit the sweet spot!” Afterward, they explained that my back was so inflamed they couldn’t get the full dose of medicine. I would need a series of injections.
I didn’t want to hear that, because I believed God would heal me through this one. I also know that God often has a better plan. Like me screaming, “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!” while enduring that pain that no accurate description can describe.
I came to this passage last night. Abraham and Sarah knew the facts. Physically conceiving a child and carrying it full term was impossible, just like the facts about my injections. But Abraham and Sarah didn’t waver at doubt. In spite of the facts, they believed the promise of God when God promised Abraham, he would become a father to many descendants.

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Looking Beyond Rejection

I anticipated the ridicule which began the moment my classmates realized their team was stuck with me. if I had collapsed in a sea of tears, would they have excused me from gym class? Instead, I stuffed it down. Why didn’t anyone understand the humiliation I bore as a legally blind child?

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Will God Provide?

Do you ever find yourself in a place where only God can meet your needs? God is Jehovah Jireh, “The-Lord-Will-Provide.” God commanded Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, his only son (Genesis 22:1-2). Like most trials, this one didn’t make sense.

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Ain’t No Mountain High Enough

Have you ever doubted God’s love for you? Maybe you don’t realize just how much He loves you. Do you look around and see nothing to convince you of God’s love? Have you ever entertained the thought that God loves others, but not you? You don’t feel you are good enough for God to love.

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