
How Joy Can Arise Out of Tears

I recall the dark days of depression. I felt like I had fallen into a deep well with no way out. No one stood on the outside to rescue me. The surrounding walls prevented me from seeing the world. That’s how depression behaves. You only see yourself. You only look within, and there you find misery.
The only source of light comes from above. While imprisoned, I had to remind myself to look up or I would see no light at all.
Of course, you don’t have to suffer from depression to feel trapped. A myriad of circumstances can hold you captive. Any catastrophe can close in on you. The diagnosis that shakes you to your core. Along with it comes financial burdens. You ache for your husband who is in heaven. The longing for a child or grandchild whose life seemed too short. Being the sole caretaker for your parents or even your grandkids. The daily overwhelming loads a parent with a special need’s child must bear. The accident that drastically changed your life. The natural disaster that robbed you of everything and everyone dear to you.

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When to Expect Spiritual Warfare

Tears fell, and this time, I didn’t hold back. Maybe I needed a good cry. “Jesus, help me!”
After a few moments, I heard God speak, not in an audible voice, but a definite impression. “This is warfare. Be strong.”
Satan knows which buttons to push, and daily, he had pushed those same buttons. As soon as God warned me, I realized God has something prepared for me in ministry that Satan is fighting.
We can pick Peter’s story apart, but would we do any better ourselves? Probably not, but let’s sift through Peter’s attack.

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A Miracle When You Least Expect It

My hands glided across the rack, stopping to remove one pink dress adorned with soft ruffles. Any baby girl would look absolutely adorable in it. The smile that crept upon my face disappeared as I wondered how long would it be before I purchase baby clothes for my own child. Then I moved to sleepers. More pinks, and even some baby blue PJ’s with penguins on the front. Perfect for a boy. A spring of tears stung at my eyes warning me to leave the store hastily. I stepped out into the night air wondering why I always ended up in the baby department.

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Don’t Look Back

As we exit 2019, we often reflect on both the good and the bad for the passing year. Some of us look forward to 2020 eager to leave a year filled with sickness and heartache. Others will anticipate a continued season of blessing. No matter which category we fall into, we must move forward.

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How to Listen For the Holy Spirit

“Catch up with your elbow!” I heard her voice, but no one was around. Iva, my beautiful black Labrador guide dog, swiftly led me down the street. The voice belonged to my instructor from Guiding Eyes. After seven years, I still hear her directions when Iva walks too far ahead.
“Iva, steady.” This command told her to slow down so I wasn’t a full arm’s length away. At Guiding Eyes, they told us that they repeated these commands so our brains could hear them when we went home. Seven years later, I still hear that one command. “Catch up with your elbow.”
What about hearing from the Holy Spirit? Can it be just as easy? Yes, it can.
Jesus prepared His disciples for what would happen after His death, resurrection, and ascension. He filled them, as He fills us, with His Holy Spirit. Having the Holy Spirit living within us far exceeds the repeated commands of an instructor.

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A Momma’s Faith and the Father’s Plan

As mothers, we stand guard over our children. At some point, we might think nobody can do the job like we can. Not even God. That’s why we worry when they get sick, when they start acquiring independence, when they begin driving, and when they travel. It’s an ongoing struggle. Our complete trust in God begins slipping through the tiny cracks of doubt that exist in our flesh.
What would it look like if we could possess the perfect faith, one that resists the temptation to doubt?

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