
A Prayer for 2024

Heavenly Father, I adore You. You are my God and my help. Thank You for bringing me into a new year with new opportunities to serve You and to honor You. Help me glorify Your awesome name.
Forgive me for sin in my life and in my heart. Make me aware of sin I do not recognize. Help me be more like You.
You have been my protector and provider.

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What the Bible Says a About Isolation and Separation

It’s no coincidence that I am studying the book of Leviticus while the Corona virus spreads throughout the USA. That’s the book where God gives His laws concerning worship, offerings, holy days, and disease. It’s about holiness and being set apart. It’s the book of clean and unclean.

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Keeping Hope Alive

Do you ever feel a situation is hopeless? I know I have visited seasons of hopelessness when I lost my vision, when I suffered some hearing loss and definitely over my prodigal. With this invisible enemy, the corona virus, hopelessness is on the rise.

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Breaking the Enemy’s Stronghold

In 1978, United States Congressman Leo Ryan and four others died when associates of cult leader, Jim Jones opened fire on them. Ryan flew to Guyana to look into concerns about the Jonestown cult. After mortally wounding these men, Jones directed nine hundred members to drink Kool-Aid laced with poison after first giving it to their children.

Why would intelligent people allow someone to brainwash them in such a drastic manner? Why do we allow Satan to claim a portion of our mind, cutting it off from God? Otherwise known as a stronghold.

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What do We Do When We Become Fearful?

We have seen fear through a new perspective recently. The Corona virus has created worldwide panic. Many folks reacted with fear, concern, and anxiety. Just how do people with a strong confidence in the Lord Jesus Christ respond to this unknown season we are traversing?

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When Anxieties Arise

What arouses our anxieties? Certainly, the world and all that is wrong in it. Does your health or the health of your family awaken those anxious thoughts? What about money or the lack of it? Anxiety begins with a low buzz that increases to something like a swarm of cicadas on a hot summer’s night. The enemy’s goal is to silence us, so we won’t turn to prayer.

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Live by Faith

“None of the fruit trees have produced. Crops have not yielded enough food for even the farmers to eat. Their livestock are starving to death. Trucks have nothing to deliver and stores have shut down. Yet, we rejoice in the Lord.”

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Investing in Blessings

Do you ever feel as if your spiritual gas tank is running on empty? Does it seem like your prayers go no further than the ceiling? Is your bank account of blessings almost overdrawn?
At times, we may reach a spiritual lull. That should send up a red flag. Warning lights should flash as sirens blast. Something is just not right.
The causes can be numerous, but let’s examine the most likely culprit. We have a deceptive enemy who strives to pull us away from God. Any of the following symptoms can be attributed to our adversary: times of prayerlessness, a decline in church attendance, slack in Bible reading, or sin.

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