Day 27

An Extra Set of Eyes

Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge,

Even the Most High, your dwelling place,

No evil shall befall you,

Nor shall any plague come near. (Psalm 91:9-10 NKJV)



I have smashed my face into several poles over the years. You know the ones in the stores. Also, the displays in the middle of the aisles. (Whose bright idea was that, anyway?) They left me with more than a bruised ego.

Now Iva walks on my left side. Iva moves in front of me, blocking me from walking into a display. Then she decides which way to take me around it. As she escorts me by the potential danger, she makes certain I clear it. What a girl, my Iva!

Yesterday we were walking along our neighborhood streets. I heard an engine start just ahead, and Iva stopped. She couldn’t have been waiting on that car this far away. Why had she stopped now? I redirected her with the forward command. She took two steps and stopped again. My black beauty kept me safe, out of the car’s path as it pulled out of the driveway. Limited vision has become so normal for me that I never considered that Iva saw the direction the car was moving. I could only hear it, but now my extra set of eyes could see it all.

I see God through Iva’s actions. He protects us in a similar manner. Sometimes He brings us to a grinding halt. Other times He blocks our path or He changes our direction, avoiding danger. Our reaction?

We get angry because our plans failed. We are upset when our schedules get jiggled. Remember, at first I doubted Iva was protecting me.

Praises should erupt when God interrupts.

Jehovah Machsi is the Hebrew name that means “The Lord My Refuge.” It’s a simple name, a little difficult to pronounce, but definitely one we can use in prayer. Jehovah Machsi deserves gratitude each day for the things He protects us from. Things we are completely unaware of. I can’t see the obstacles before me, but Iva can. On the sidewalks of life, we can’t see the dangers ahead, but God can.

We can also praise God because He is the refuge we run to in times of fear. Maybe we are aware of something harmful ahead. An erratic driver, ominous clouds forming in a dark sky, or even the words from a doctor. God shelters us when life gets unbearable.

We find Jehovah Machsi in our key verse today. Notice it says we have made Him our dwelling place. When we dwell with Him, linger with Him, He is our refuge from life’s disappointments and perils. A refuge we can run to and a shield from trouble. He stays by our side, just like Iva sticks with me. All we have to do is call out His name.

Jehovah Machsi, praises to You for the divine disruptions in life. I am blessed knowing You are always present when I need a shelter, a refuge from life. Amen.

Digging for Bones

Read Proverbs 18:10.

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Originally posted on June 15, 2020 @ 3:00 am