
A Warrior of God

Has God asked you to do something difficult? Something bold? Something unpopular? Then you can imagine the tinge of intimidation I felt when God said, “Warn them!”

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My Word for 2024

Do you choose a word for each year, usually something God has led you to? Each year, I begin praying about it in the fall, and this time, it came early.
A book popped up in my Kindle Unlimited feed. “Forward: Discovering God’s Presence and Purpose in Your Tomorrow” by David Jeremiah. It sounded like just what I needed.

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The Armor for Our Warfare

I pulled back on the trigger, waiting for the kickback. Pow! I had fired my first shot. My husband gathered up shells, “You did good for the first time.”

You might have fired a gun before, but earthly weapons don’t work for spiritual warfare.

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The Rapture Explained

The next prophetic event on God’s calendar is the rapture, the removal of the church. Sometimes we confuse the rapture with the second coming of the Lord, but they are two separate events.
At the rapture, Christ doesn’t touch the earth. All believers, dead and alive will meet Him in the air. After the church is removed from earth, seven years of tribulation will take place.

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Why Must We Travel Through the Valley?

I experienced the worst year of my life fifteen years ago, in 2006. I kept my mom in her home as long as possible, but as her dementia worsened, she required a skilled nursing facility. Dementia robs the patient of their memory, beginning with short-term memories until they forget how to feed themselves. It robs the family of their loved one long before they leave this world.
The valley of 2006 also included a wayward daughter, and I slipped into a deep depression.

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When Terror Strikes

Habakkuk was very upset because evil works continued to go on in Israel. His cry to God had not been answered with revival, but God had told him He was sending the Chaldeans to attack Israel and take them captive. The Chaldeans were like our modern-day terrorists.

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A Prayer for 2024

Heavenly Father, I adore You. You are my God and my help. Thank You for bringing me into a new year with new opportunities to serve You and to honor You. Help me glorify Your awesome name.
Forgive me for sin in my life and in my heart. Make me aware of sin I do not recognize. Help me be more like You.
You have been my protector and provider.

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