But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed.

(James 1:14 NKJV)

Why do we yearn for the things that cause us harm? Chocolate is lethal for dogs, but Iva is drawn to its aroma. During our training at Guiding Eyes, Iva possessed an unusual interest in my hot chocolate. Over the last three years, Iva’s interest in chocolate has calmed down, until last night.

When we’re in Gatlinburg, I visit the Chocolate Monkey for a hand-dipped chocolate strawberry or some Buckeyes (similar to peanut butter balls). Iva and I entered the shop enthusiastically, because she found their new location after only one attempt. I teach her new places by using the clicker and giving her treats at each turn of the route.


The sweet lady behind the counter greeted us and remembered Iva from their other location. That’s when the perfect storm began to brew. The excitement built when the lady asked if I wanted a banana. Iva grew more eager at the mention of her favorite treat.

As I dug into my backpack for my credit card, I was caught off guard when Iva lunged toward the counter. If Timmy hadn’t accompanied us, Iva would have grabbed my candies. I reprimanded her with a stern “No!”


I apologized for Iva’s extremely bad behavior, but the lady was still enamored with Iva.

As we left the Chocolate Monkey, Iva couldn’t focus on guiding me. She was distracted by the bag of candy. I allowed Timmy to guide me across the street where I waited for him while he took my candy to our hotel room.


During dinner, Timmy and I discussed the incident, trying to figure out what enticed Iva. The smell of Chocolate, the scent of peanut butter (another favorite treat), the lady’s bubbly personality, or the mention of a banana? I finally determined it was the combination of everything. The perfect storm.


Sometimes, we long for something we shouldn’t. Controlling my temper has been a fleshly struggle. What other fleshly desires do Christians struggle with? Materialism? The compulsion to have nice things can allow this world to have a tight grip on us. An overactive desire for hobbies can leave little room for God’s Word. Moving up the corporate ladder comes with temptations as we might be asked to do something wrong. Some even fight sexual lusts or substance abuse.

Sometimes we sail right into that perfect storm and circumstances are ripe for sin. Isn’t it good to know when we fail, God forgives? When we stumble, He hears our confession and He cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).


Back at the room, I worked with Iva and my candy before eating it. I continued until she refused to touch it.


When sinful desires entice us, we must banish those longings and seek God’s power.

We disappoint Him daily, but He always forgives when we seek to make it right.


**Time is running out to preorder the first book in the Guide Dog Tales series, “Faith, Freedom and 4 Paws: Seeing God Through Iva’s Eyes.” Order now and save $$


Originally posted on June 19, 2020 @ 3:03 am