My Word for 2025 – Abide
I carefully stepped down from the podium. The joy I usually felt when speaking had vanished. Then I realized why: the anointing was gone!
It didn’t take long before God put His finger on the problem. I had withdrawn from Him when He didn’t send immediate relief to my suffering.
Thank You for Being Jesus to Me
My gratitude is well overdue, but as I considered writing about loving one another for February, I had to share my personal testimony.
In September 2022, horrific pain consumed me, bringing me literally down to my knees.
The Joy of Cross Bearing
Each step exasperated the sting of open wounds. Blood and sweat mingled together as they trickled to the ground. One step and then another until the weight of the cross on His back almost crushed Him.
Comfort for Grief
“…I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am,...
Does God Remain Faithful in Judgement?
Have you met Ethan the Ezrahite? He never became the subject of a Sunday school lesson, and children don’t sing songs about him in vacation Bible school. Even in my in-depth biblical studies, I only recently learned of Ethan.
He showed up in a search for passages about depression and anxiety. He almost made it into my book, but today, he receives some attention because he asked the same questions we ask.
Lord, where are your loving kindnesses?
How We Can Pray for Our Nation
Our presidential election is only days away, but our nation’s problems will not end on November 4th. In fact, they might even get worse. We might not even know the outcome of the election for days or even weeks.
Our hearts break to see our once flourishing country divided and filled with such hatred. We are still plagued with the Corona virus, and the economic impact of that disease has far-reaching effects.
Most of us are fervently praying for our election results and for our nation to heal, but I know I haven’t prayed for America the way Daniel prayed for his beloved homeland.
Daniel had been swept up as a teen when Babylon took Judah captive. He had grown up and served under many rulers in Babylonian captivity, but never once did Daniel forsake his God. Daniel prayed three times daily for his people with his windows open toward Jerusalem. Daniel reminds me of Job, such a godly man, as righteous as any human could possibly be.
Yet, observe how Daniel prayed.
A Cup of Suffering for a Cup of Blessing
Almost one year has passed since Covid attacked my body. It drained me of all strength and left me feeling like a limp dish cloth. I didn’t run much of a fever, and thankfully, I never struggled for breath like so many do. It knocked me off my feet, too weak to even write.