And he shall say to them, ‘Hear, O Israel: Today you are on the verge of battle with your enemies. Do not let your heart faint, do not be afraid, and do not tremble or be terrified because of them.

Deuteronomy 20:3 NKJV

What is your battle today? Disease? Depression? A loved one’s addiction, or your own? Sin? Grief? Financial hardships? Persecution? The burdens that accompany caring for a parent with dementia or a child with special needs? Irritable relationships? Rejection and betrayal leading to bitterness? A child on the wrong road? An unjust judgement? An injury?

Take your pick or name your own, but everyone faces an enemy. Our bad choices may result in the foes we fight. In the majority of cases, our enemy is the same ancient adversary men and women have faced for years. Satan. The Apostle Paul explains,

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Eph. 6:12

The problems you are having with your husband, your in-laws, your co-workers, and your kids, are not with them. No, they are flesh and blood. The battle is really with powers and principalities, Satan and his demons. You must fight spiritual enemies with spiritual warfare.

God gave Moses instructions for war. No matter what our conflict is, they will help us today. Size up your opponent. When you see their vast armies, do not be afraid. God is with you. Remember where He has brought you from (Deut. 20:1).

The priests spoke to the Israelites on the verge of battle. Our focal verse contains the words they spoke as commanded by God.

Do not let your heart faint. Do not allow this battle and this enemy to stress you. Don’t be discouraged by what appears impossible.

Do not be afraid. This is the second time within three verses that the Lord makes this statement. We need a reminder. We get frightened, but we must reflect on who our Daddy is, God Almighty.

Do not tremble or be terrified. Don’t allow things to overwhelm you. Don’t allow them to shake you up.

For each negative, God gave Moses a positive (Deut. 20:4). First, God is with you. When you feel faint, He will carry you. He is with you in the fire, and He is with you in the flood.

God fights for you. It is not your battle to fight, but the Lord’s. How did the walls of Jericho fall? Marching, trumpets, and shouting? No, God knocked those walls down. How did Gideon win his battle against the Midianites? Trumpets, torches, and clay pitchers? God struck the enemy with fear and confusion. Jehoshaphat marched out to battle with the choir leading the way, praising the Lord as He triumphed.

Finally, God saves you. God never said you wouldn’t face enemies, but He did say He would keep you as His own. You may be wounded, but God claims your victory.

Friend, you are prepared for battle. Know who your enemy is and cast fear aside. God’s got this.

Lord God, Thank You for the instructions You gave Moses centuries ago. Give us wisdom and replace our qualms with faith in Your victory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Read Deuteronomy 20:1-4.


Who is your enemy? Trust God for the outcome. Faith trumps fear.


Copyright 2017 Carolyn Dale Newell.


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Originally posted on August 24, 2020 @ 3:22 am