“For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition which I asked of Him.”

(1 Samuel 1:27 NKJV)

My hands glided across the rack, stopping to remove one pink dress adorned with soft ruffles. Any baby girl would look absolutely adorable in it. The smile that crept upon my face disappeared as I wondered how long would it be before I purchase baby clothes for my own child. Then I moved to sleepers. More pinks, and even some baby blue PJ’s with penguins on the front. Perfect for a boy. A spring of tears stung at my eyes warning me to leave the store hastily. I stepped out into the night air wondering why I always ended up in the baby department.

I only knew a year of infertility, but many women have walked that journey for years. Some never receive the blessing of a child kicking in their womb or giving birth.

Hannah longed for a baby for many years. Her waiting became extremely miserable when her husband’s other wife, Peninnah, provoked Hannah to tears. Peninnah had plenty sons and daughters. In biblical days, infertility was viewed as a curse from God.

Waiting without patience is wrestling.

Hannah wrestled with a million ideas. Why did God curse me? Why do others have children and I don’t?

Waiting is difficult for all of us, but sometimes the wait seems hopeless. Month after month, and no baby arrives. Time moves on without the healing. Perhaps you are waiting for a day when the income outweighs the bills. You long for the day when depression doesn’t drop in for an uninvited visit.

During one of their annual trips to Shiloh to worship and sacrifice to God, Peninnah taunted Hannah so grievously that Hannah lost her appetite. She arose and went   to the tabernacle of the Lord where she prayed, weeping bitterly. She promised God that if He would bless her with a son, then she would return him to the Lord.

Despite her sorrowful spirit, Hannah never gave up on God. God had a perfect plan for Samuel, the son Hannah finally gave birth to. God’s timing is always perfect, but that still doesn’t make the days go by any faster.

Even women of strong faith begin to waver wondering if God really will give them an answer to prayer. When we travel the road of disappointment, we need a faith that moves us beyond today. A faith that looks forward to the day God finally answers our prayers.

Friend, are you waiting today? Remember Hannah. Ask God to comfort you during this time. Draw closer to Him.

Your miracle will come when you least expect it. Hold onto the hope of Christ because that’s the only way we can get through the days of despondency. If God hasn’t said, “No,” He has just said, “Wait.”

Lord God, You are a miracle-working God. We know that is a fact, and we believe it in our hearts. Help us wait! We want microwave miracles, but You give us something better, perfect timing. We trust You to do according to Your purpose and we trust Your timetable. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Read 1 Samuel chapter 1.


Do a word study on “patience.” Jot down some verses that will help you while you wait. I remind myself that impatience is a temptation from my flesh the world, or the devil.


Hannah’s prayer resulted in peace before she even became pregnant. Discover the powerful tools of prayer in my 60-day devotional: Incense Rising. Click here for details.



Originally posted on March 15, 2021 @ 3:00 am