What Happened Between Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday?
After being made alive, he went and made proclamation to the imprisoned spirits— to those who were disobedient long ago when God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built. In it only a few people, eight in all, were saved through water, (1 Peter 3:19-20 NIV)
Have you ever wondered what happened in the spirit world before Jesus’s resurrection? It’s one of the most disagreed upon topics, but we will tackle it as best we can without going outside of the bounds of Scripture.
Peter speaks from authority here. Either he heard it straight from Jesus before the Lord ascended to heaven, or it was the other author of this book, the Holy Spirit. It might be both.
Jesus’s body remained in the tomb, but His Spirit was quite active on Saturday. Jesus proclaimed to the imprisoned spirits that He was alive. He did not preach the gospel. There was no need for that. Who were the imprisoned spirits?
In our focal verses, we see us who they were. So let’s turn to Genesis chapter six. Verse two tells us that the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, so they married. They produced the Nephilim, a group of giants.
We don’t know much more than that. Were these men? The Genesis narrative focuses heavily on the wickedness of men which could lead us to believe they were human, but we still cannot rule out demonic forces. If they are human, it seems they could easily be demon possessed.
Here’s what we do know. Jesus visited a group of captive spirits and declared victory. Before His own disciples knew He lived, He let the enemy know that his worst nightmare had come true. He thought he had destroyed Jesus Christ. He thought he was one up on God. He thought he would terrorize and rule mankind forever, but Jesus paid him an unexpected visit, even if the devil wasn’t present when He visited these spirits. Good news travels fast.
Jesus declared victory over sin, death, hell, and the grave. He also declared victory over disease, fear, worry, depression, and discouragement. He declared that through Him we have kingdom authority.
Friend, since Jesus gave His life for us, we can have eternal life when we accept Him as our Lord and Savior, making Him Master over our lives, as we turn from our sins.
He also died to give us abundant life right now on earth. We do not have to live in bondage to chronic pain or emotional bondage. We have the victory if we will only allow Him to have His way in our lives and relinquish the shackles of fear, anxiety, and stress. He came to give us freedom. Will you accept that freedom today?
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Originally posted on April 7, 2023 @ 1:00 am
Carolyn, You are a blessing from God!!’
I am enjoying your book and it has helped my anxiety so much!!! To Hid be the Glory!
Praise the Lord!!
Jesus was defiantly NOT QUIET on Saturday. I think many forgot the Holy Spirt did not stay in the tomb with the body The Holy Spirit was visiting the demonic world. Rev 1:18 speaks of Jesus retrieving the keys of death and hades. That took place between the Crucifixion and Resurrection. So, few ever speak of this. Thank you for talking about this. Bless You!
Thanks! There was certainly a lot going on.