By Carolyn Dale Newell
And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body;
and be thankful.
Col. 3:15 NKJV
It was a quiet morning until suddenly, the wind slammed into the house with great force. Things began creaking and banging about. There had been tornados several days ago so I checked my phone. No threats were reported, but we were in store for storms and high winds.
We should always be on the alert for severe weather. We also need to be watchful for storms in our lives. They show up without warning. However, we can be attentive without being anxious.
We are commanded to let peace rule in our hearts. God knew our first response would be to let something else take charge. Something such as panic or fear.
Wasn’t peace a gift from Jesus? “My peace I give to you,” (John 14:27b). Isn’t peace a fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22)? Yes and yes, but we are commanded not to put that gift up on a shelf like a forgotten Christmas present. We open it. We treasure it. Then up it goes, and we forget it is there.
Peace isn’t ruling in our hearts. The storms blow in and we have to search for our peace. In Lisa Murray’s book, “Peace for a Lifetime”, she writes, “Peace is not a feeling. Peace is a way of life”. Lisa explains that we need to care for our emotional wellness just as we care for our physical health. She suggests a daily quiet time, just God and me. It is a time to reflect on our thoughts and reactions.
I could use some solitude. Some time to hear the still small voice of God. Peace must rule in my heart. The next time the winds howl, I won’t have to search for it. Peace will be in charge.
Father God,
Thank You for Your gift of peace. I am sorry I often misplace it, running to You shrieking for help. Your peace is here all along. Speak peace to my heart as I quietly listen today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Read Phil. 4:6-7.
Take 5 minutes to sit quietly in the presence of God today.
View Lisa’s book, “peace for a Lifetime” here:
Copyright 2016 Carolyn Dale Newell.
Originally posted on July 17, 2020 @ 3:25 am