Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

(Philippians 4:6-7 NKJV)

I slammed the drawer shut as if the bill could escape and choke me with worry. I did the same song and dance each time a bill arrived stating that insurance didn’t cover this procedure. Did they forget they had previously covered the exact service? Each time, I called them reminding them they had previously paid for that service. They promised to review it, and as I filed the bill away, I gave it to God.

Eventually, they always paid the bill, but this repetitive scene enabled me to live out today’s passage.

Be anxious for nothing. I like the New Living Translation:

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. (Phil. 4:6a NLT)

Stop worrying and start praying. These two steps go hand—in-hand. Our flesh loves holding on to worry. Yes, we will pray about it, but we continue worrying, as if we have control over the matter. This simple command directs us to refuse the temptation to fret. Instead, we will pray.

Our passage even tells us how to pray – with thanks. It’s not enough to give the problem to God. We must believe He will handle our troubles. We thank Him for what He will do. We thank Him for taking action and resolving the problem. That’s something worry cannot do.

Friend, when we put these three steps in practice: stop worrying, start praying, and give thanks, God promises us peace.  Not an ordinary peace, but an extraordinary peace, the peace of God. The world can’t understand it. We’ve never known anything like it. It protects our minds from anxious thoughts. It even guards our hearts, the seat of our emotions.

Thankfulness is the channel through which tranquility flows.

What worries you today? Is it a bill or a multitude of them? Is it your health or the health of your family? Is it the troubling world we live in? Is there too much to do? Commit to stop worrying. Pray and give thanks.

Our problems don’t disappear at “Amen!” But peace floods our previously panicked hearts.

Friend, I use this approach every time worry comes knocking on my heart’s door. Allow God’s peace to replace your panic. Thank Him and walk out a life of gratitude. It’s hard to worry when you are thankful.

Heavenly Father, right here in Your Word You give us an antidote for anxiety. Thank You for these instructions and the promise of peace. Help me not return to the bondage of worry. In Jesus’s name. Amen.


Read Colossians 3:15 NKJV:

And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful  


Commit to walk out God’s instructions for a worry-free life. Stop Worrying. Start praying. Give thanks.


Are you tired of sleepless nights tossing and turning because your thoughts can’t find freedom from worry? Would you like a life free of fear, doubt, worry, and discouragement? Imagine a life filled with peace and stability. Learn more here.




Originally posted on November 19, 2021 @ 3:00 am