And Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you,

today you will be with Me in Paradise.”

Luke 23:43

No one has suffered greater than our Lord when He was nailed to a wooden cross to die for our sins. Yet, during His ordeal, He took the time and the strength to assure the thief on the cross of his salvation. Jesus had been severely beaten, bruised and wounded. His body was traumatized, but He made the effort to speak.

I thought about what it took just for Him to speak. He was in so much agony and every breath was difficult.

We can learn from our Lord’s selfless actions. We can witness to others during our trials. I never cease to be amazed when I hear a believer proclaiming the mercies of God rather than complaining about their situation. It blesses my heart to hear praises ascend to heaven as they thank God for entrusting them with a trial. It is wonderful when Christians use their hospital stay to witness to everyone who enters their room.

When we witness and praise God through our afflictions, we are glorifying God. We are also encouraging other saints. Even if they are not going through their own trial, they will remember your words and your attitude. The unsaved will hear and take notice that this is something different. They may see their need for salvation.

Our sufferings will never compare to those of our Lord. However, we can honor and glorify Him, encourage other believers, and spread the gospel. Remember His sufferings. Remember His words.

Lord Jesus,

Help us always witness to people, but especially when we are suffering. Prepare the hearts of those who we will come in contact with today to hear from You. Amen.


Read Luke 23:39-43.


Make a plan to witness to one new person this week.


Copyright 2013 Carolyn Dale Newell.

Originally posted on August 12, 2020 @ 8:02 pm