And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice. (John 10:4 NKJV)
How can we know without a doubt that the voice we hear is God and not our own thoughts? Sometimes, I recognize His voice and I can immediately act on it. When a quick response is necessary, I’ve received His direction and even a confirmation within an hour. Typically, discerning the voice of God requires time.
Last winter, God led me to leave the church I loved. For months, I asked for one confirmation after another. I resorted to putting out fleeces. After four months and many confirmations, I resigned my membership.
Now what, Jesus? No answers came, until recently, and I’m still confirming those answers.
Jesus said that the shepherd goes out before the sheep, and the sheep will follow Him. Unlike the shepherds in the western world where shepherds drive their sheep, the Israelites led their flocks. Jesus never forces His sheep. He simply leads, and they follow.
This clues us in on one way to detect the voice of God. If the voice is forceful and you feel rushed to make a rash decision, that’s not the gentle leading of the shepherd. On occasions, a prompt choice needs to be made, but overall, Jesus will take His time.
Sometimes, it’s more time than we wish to give Him. If anyone pushes for immediate answers, it usually is the impatient sheep. That would be me, and possibly you also.
We want answers sooner than Jesus wants to give them. Often, our inability to wait leads us to open the wrong doors, simply because we didn’t wait to see which way our shepherd directed us.
Are you grappling with a decision today? Are you torn between two answers, and You genuinely want the Father’s will? Pushy sheep don’t have a pushy shepherd. If an answer feels forced, it likely is coming from the one doing the pushing. Begin applying the wisdom of the gentle shepherd to your life today.
Lord Jesus, in Your Word, You tell us how to hear from You, but often we skip right pass those verses. Help me watch for the gentle leading that only comes from You. In Jesus’s name. Amen
Start asking questions when you pray. Who is doing the pushing? Also spend time listening when you pray and read your Bible.
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Originally posted on October 22, 2021 @ 3:00 am
Once upon a time I was a very pushy sheep. So pushy I just pushed past the shepherd thinking He would follow me. Oh I heard His warnings but they fell on deaf ears, then I fell, literally, and the shepherd placed me back where I belonged to follow Him again.
Thank you for sharing. We all get through those seasons.