When I remember You on my bed,
I meditate on You in the night watches.
Because You have been my help,
Therefore in the shadow of Your wings I will rejoice.
(Psalm 63:6-7 NKJV)

I pulled back the covers. As I slipped into bed, I reminded myself not to worry, but to trust God.

We’d woke up that morning to our first snowfall of the year. Almost immediately, my mind raced back to a snowfall many years ago. We had to drive through an ice storm to reach the emergency room where my mother was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. After a day of shoveling snow, she laid down, and her lungs began filling with fluid.

Fast forward several years to a hot July night when Timmy was rushed to the hospital with the same problems. Now on this January morning, I was adamant about keeping Timmy’s shoveling time to a minimum. I’d have to keep an eye on him while he slept, watching for any symptoms of breathing difficulties.

As if I didn’t have enough to concern myself with, Iva ate something that almost always makes her sick. Let’s just say that stray cats get by our privacy fence and leave gifts for Iva. Some dogs are prone to severe reactions to this, even death. We made a plan to help Iva before the upset tummy began, which included staying very hydrated.

Now I had two loved ones to worry over. How would I get any sleep? I didn’t want to relive either of these experiences, especially the congestive heart failure, knowing I couldn’t accompany him to the hospital, due to covid-19 restrictions.

Then God reminded me that I wasn’t remembering the whole story in either case. Yes, Timmy was hospitalized, but God covered me in peace. Timmy bounced back to his normal healthy self in no time. Yes, Iva got sick, went to the vet, and received treatment. Yes, I’d taken her out every couple hours during those episodes, but Iva survived. God brought each one through, and though I dreaded reliving those seasons, I went to bed confident that God would overcome. Even if I had to revisit these places again.

Before drifting off to sleep, I read todays verses. As I lay on my bed, I chose to meditate on the goodness and power of God. My family was under the shelter of God’s wings, just like baby chicks under the outstretched wings of their momma. A blanket of peace covered me, and I slept soundly with Timmy and Iva by my side. In the morning, I praised God for His protection. Yes, Iva might still take ill, but I refuse to allow those thoughts to control me. Yes, I would take precautions and continue giving her extra water, but I will rest under my Lord’s wings. He has been my help before, and He will be my help forever.

Friend, He is your help also. Remember His goodness and all that He has brought you through. Abide under the shelter of His wings, safe and secure.



If you enjoyed this devotional, you will love Faith, Freedom, and 4 Paws: Seeing God Through Iva’s Eyes (Guide Dog Tales Book 1)

Click here!


Originally posted on February 5, 2021 @ 3:04 am