Now when Rachel saw that she bore Jacob no children, Rachel envied her sister, and said to Jacob, “Give me children, or else I die!”

Gen. 30:1 (NKJV)

As I read this verse, my mind raced back thirty years ago. I could relate to Rachel. I felt her pain. I had an overwhelming desire to have a child, but my body was uncooperative. I remember wandering into the baby section of the department stores only to leave feeling frustrated.

There were the monthly visits to the doctor hoping to find that this time the fertility drugs had worked. Each month, I waited for the results, but for five months, the answer was negative. Then came that glorious day when the test was positive. I was pregnant!

Little did I know that I would face an even greater sorrow eighteen years later when my daughter wanted distance from us – great distance. Not only did she leave home, but she made it impossible for us to contact her. My heart broke into a million pieces. For eight years, I felt that same emptiness as a mother. I hated Mother’s Day. I cannot describe the pain that you feel when your child rejects you.

Once again, God remembered me just like He remembered Rachel (v. 22). My daughter came back into our lives, and it was amazing.

I cannot tell you that I know the pain of never having children. I cannot tell you that your wayward son or daughter will return home. I cannot tell you I know what it is like to grieve over your child because their life was short, but I can tell you that God is faithful. I know that His timing is perfect, and I know that His grace will bring you through the greatest of sorrows.

I don’t know your situation today, but if you are a momma without your child, I am praying for you. God hears the prayers of His children. God loves you, and He is still doing miracles.

Heavenly Father,

I lift up the name of everyone reading this today. You know their need, whether it is the couple who desperately wants children or the cry of a momma who is not with her child for any reason. Comfort the suffering. God, I pray You will touch these women who want children. I pray that you will reach the sons and daughters who need to take that first step home. Thank You for what You are going to do in the name of Jesus. Amen.


Read these comforting verses: Rom. 8:28, 2 Cor. 12:9, Phil. 4:6, 7, 13, Heb. 13:5.


Trust God for a miracle, and most importantly, trust Him to bring you through these difficult times with His amazing grace.

Copyright 2015 Carolyn Dale Newell.

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Originally posted on August 17, 2020 @ 3:05 am