But Peter arose and ran to the tomb; and stooping down, he saw the linen cloths lying by themselves; and he departed, marveling to himself at what had happened.

(Luke 24:12 NKJV)

John raced ahead of Peter, but he slammed on his brakes at the sight of the empty tomb. Impetuous as ever, Peter rushed past him. Reality slapped Peter right in the face, and he marveled at the sight.

The women must have been right. They had rushed to tell the disciples that they found the tomb empty. The body of Jesus was gone, and in its place, the grave clothes were lying, neatly folded.

What thoughts raced through Peter’s mind? I want to find Peter in heaven, after I worship Jesus for a thousand years. I want to ask him, “What was it like when you ran into the empty tomb?”

I’ve never recalled a time in my life when I didn’t know Jesus was alive. I’ve always known that on the third day, He rose from the dead. The same is true for you unless you have lived in a deserted third world jungle.  As I read Luke’s account of the resurrection, I long for the wonder that Peter and the others felt. Complacency has settled upon the hearts of modern-day Christians.

Jesus’ disciples and the women who found the stone rolled away expected to find His body in that tomb as much as they expected the sun to rise at dawn, but on that special day, another Son rose.

Death could not hold Him down. Even more amazing than Jesus defeating death is the reason He did it. The reason He took the beatings and the mocking. The reason He allowed them to drive spikes into His hands and feet. The reason He hung breathlessly on the cross as His precious blood spilt onto the ground. He did it for me! He did it for you!

We can marvel at the love Jesus has for us. A love that drew Him out of heaven and down to earth where He lived as a man. A love that took the lashes we deserved. A love that endured great pain. A love that nailed Him to the cross where He died for us. I can marvel at that.

When He gave His life, He also conquered death for us. He conquered all the demons of hell and the devil himself. This world can do nothing to remove our victory. No matter how bad it gets, we are victorious because on that first Resurrection Day, He gave us that victory.

Let’s take some time to get caught up in the wonder of Easter this year. Linger daily as you read some of the gospel accounts of the crucifixion and resurrection. Let’s strive for the amazement of Easter.

Sweet Jesus, fill me with the wonder of Your resurrection. I am so blessed with Your sacrificial love. I love You, Jesus. Amen.


Read the entire Easter story found in Luke 22:39 and continuing to the end.


Divide the above chapters into smaller passages and read them slowly, drinking them in over several days.


Actually, this is an unrelated resource: my newest book, Walking by Faith, Not Sight: 30 Inspirational Moments with Iva (Guide Dog Tales Book 2) is now available. Order now!


Originally posted on March 26, 2021 @ 3:00 am