Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer;

(Romans 12:12 NKJV)

I don’t know about you, but I hate change. My plans get disrupted beyond my control. My hopes to make that special purchase are dashed when an unexpected bill arrives. I get irritable as my frustration boils until I remember God is in control.

When a hurricane caused us to miss our beach vacation, God had a good reason. When the oil light on the car refused to dim, we returned home instead of going to the gospel concert. God had a reason. But that mode of thought follows my disappointment.

Iva and I discovered a local restaurant not far from the house, and they make home-made dog treats. This morning, I decided we’d make a special trip just for Iva. Keep in mind that Iva understands almost everything I tell her. We even have to spell certain words in front of her such as carrot and banana. Her wagging tail and chipper disposition indicated that she knew exactly where we were going.

She led me directly to the door, and when we stepped inside, Iva stepped ahead of me, tail wagging briskly. The ladies at the counter greeted us, but then they regretfully told us they were out of treats. Iva’s heart didn’t sink like mine. She didn’t understand “out of treats.” I couldn’t bear to disappoint her. A wave of relief washed over me when they offered a piece of bacon. I didn’t decline the bacon, but asked for an egg instead. A smile tugged at my lips, knowing I had made the healthier choice.

Iva didn’t get what she expected, but that didn’t matter to her when they brought her a freshly scrambled egg with a side of love. If Iva had left without any treat, she would have pouted all the way home, but Iva didn’t leave empty handed, so to speak.

We don’t always get what we want, but God always gives us what we need. Today’s verse is a prescription for handling life’s disappointments.

“Rejoicing in hope.” Even in our deepest disappointments, we are never without hope. We are God’s beloved children. Our perfect heavenly Father wants to blessed us. But this isn’t Burger King. We can’t have it our way. We can rejoice in the hope of a better blessing.

“Patient in tribulation.” Sometimes we find ourselves in a season where darkness surrounds us. If we have choices, none of them are good. In life’s bleakest moments, we must bear this burden until the storm passes by.

“Continuing steadfastly in prayer.” Never give up! Continue pouring out your heart to God. Bombard heaven as your own words remind you just who your Daddy is.

I don’t know why many of my plans fail to see fruition. I will rejoice in whatever God gives me because I know His plans exceed mine. God never leaves us empty handed.


Want to read more guide dog tales? Preorder Faith, Freedom and 4 Paws: Seeing God Through God’s Eyes, a 30-day devotional sure to encourage and enlighten you. Learn more here

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Originally posted on July 17, 2020 @ 3:00 am