And Elijah the Tishbite, of the inhabitants of Gilead, said to Ahab, “As the Lord God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, except at my word.”
(1 Kings 17:1 NKJV)
Early in my speaking ministry, I sat chatting with a pastor, and she said, “I took notes while you were speaking.”
Honored that a pastor could gleam something from my message, I smiled, “Really? Thank you.”
Elijah arrived on the scene out of nowhere. He came from Tishbi, an insignificant place located in the rocky hill country of Gilead, not a major city. This mountain man approached evil King Ahab, who is married to the evil foreign queen Jezabel. Elijah delivered a message from God: no rain, nor dew for a period that lasted about three and one-half years. Not just anyone could approach the king, but Elijah had the courage to obediently follow God’s instructions.
Blessing follows obedience!
Not only did God protect Elijah when he approached King Ahab with this devastating news, but God provided for Elijah during the years of drought and famine. Israel was an agrarian culture. At some point crops ceased to produce and water dried up.
For the first half of the drought, God placed Elijah by the Brook Cherith and the ravens brought him food. During the second half of the drought, God sent Elijah to live with a poor widow in Zarephath. God commanded her to feed Elijah, and the bin of flour and the jar of oil never ran dry until it finally rained.
Friend, we aren’t speaking to kings or presidents, but we never know who our words will affect. You are an extraordinary person, just like Elijah. When you feel God’s promptings, tell the sales associate at Walmart that Jesus loves her or him. When God gives you that nudge, share a word of kindness and hope to the person on the other end of the phone who is in the billing office taking care of your account. Be courageous, like Elijah, and tell someone the gospel. Put a word of hope on social media. You never know who you will reach. God doesn’t have ordinary children.
Lord God, You have placed people in my life to encourage me. I want to be obedient to You. Give me the courage to witness to others and encourage strangers. Give me the words to share today. Thank You for the blessings You will give me for this small act of obedience. In Jesus’s name. Amen.
Originally posted on March 21, 2024 @ 8:00 pm
As I read this a thought popped into my mind. The drought lasted 3 1/2 years. The Tribulation period is divided by an equal 3 1/2 year sections.
That’s interesting but I have never heard anyone make that connection before