“I will go in the strength of the Lord God;
I will make mention of Your righteousness, of Yours only.” (Psalm 71:16 NKJV)
Weariness overwhelmed me. Muscle aches and Advil tempted me, and all I wanted to do was rest, but not today. I had too much to accomplish. I prayed while reading my Bible. This verse spoke to me, Like a good medicine, better than the Advil. I sought strength from my Lord, because mine had dissipated.
Elijah went in the strength of the Lord. He hosted a showdown with the four hundred fifty false prophets of Baal (1 Kings 18:22). After God rained fire down on Elijah’s sacrifice, he slaughtered the false prophets.
Next, Elijah fervently prayed for the rain God had promised after their three- and one-half-year drought. Then like the Energizer bunny, Elijah just kept going by outrunning King Ahab to Jezreel (1 Kings 18:46).
Then, Elijah learned that despite his Mount Carmel victory and the much-needed downpour, Jezebel sought to kill him for taking the lives of her beloved false prophets. Once again, Elijah ran until he could go no further. He prayed for God to take his life and he finally slept. When Elijah awoke, an angel served him food and water (1 Kings 19:5).
Friend, we aren’t running marathons or wiping out modern-day false prophets, but we get weak. We grow tired. We have to go when we don’t feel like going. Can you relate?
God wants us to rest because it’s vital for life. Notice God’s compassion as He cared for Elijah’s physical needs with sleep, food, and water. Can you recall a time when God ministered to your physical needs?
But sometimes, we have to push forward in the strength of the Lord. Not overworking and foolishly going without rest, but on the days when things must get done.
Elijah battled depression after his biggest spiritual victory. I’ve struggled with it myself. Trust me, when we are under the dark cloud of depression, we must go in the strength of the Lord. Depression sucks up our energy like a vacuum cleaner snatching up crumbs.
Stress can also be a culprit. Carrying a heavy load wears us down. It affects us mentally, physically, and even spiritually. Are you in the midst of a stressful season? Ask the Lord for His strength.
Paul said it best, “For when I am weak, then I am strong” (2 Corinthians 12:10 NKJV) God wants us to depend on Him. God doesn’t desire super powerful children. He desires children who are super-infused with His power.
Give God the glory for those areas of weakness because that’s where His power shines bright. Let God show up and show off.
Heavenly Father, I’m glad I can be myself in Your presence. Broken and weak. My strength is faulty at best. Strengthen me physically, and especially spiritually. I need Your Holy Spirit power. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Do you feel inadequate when you don’t complete your to-do list? Are you expecting more of yourself than God expects?
In order to trust the Lord during times of fear, worry, trials, and doubt, we need Holy Spirit power. Join us beginning May 3, 2021 as we begin a four-week Bible study, Walking by Faith. The study takes place in our private Facebook group, so sign up here
It’s that simple.
Originally posted on April 16, 2021 @ 3:00 am
Oh so good! Overwhelm hit me hard after module 2 in the writers bootcamp. Then the next day I opened up the homework and overwhelm hit again. God spoke to me rest on it and pray over it. Saturday I will tackle the homework assignment with Gods strength, not mine.
Amen! You will do it!.