Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

John 14:27 NKJV


Is it possible to really have peace? There are wars and terrorist threats everywhere. Marriages end in divorce, even among Christians. Families are feuding, and churches are splitting. People are losing their jobs while others battle diseases to stay alive. We live with the reality of crazed gunmen, identity theft, and home invasions. How can someone have peace?


Nothing I am about to say will sound logical because divine peace, the peace that Jesus gives us is illogical. It is not of this world. It surpasses all understanding, and it is our gift from Christ. If He has given me this peace, why do I feel anxious when trouble comes my way? I have laid this precious gift upon a shelf. I choose to lean on myself when I need to pray and ask God to let me feel His peace.


Peace is strongly connected with thankfulness and contentment. An unthankful, discontent heart is never satisfied with their situation. The Christian who trusts God and understands He is in control of all things realizes everything in life has been allowed by God.


We don’t understand God’s purposes for the things that happen, but we know He has a plan. That is our basis for peace. We will be able to stare fear in the face with peace when we reach that point. That is when we can be at peace while the families fall apart. That is how we get through unbearable torment. It is the peace God gives His little children.


Friend, His peace is there for you. I pray every day to feel His peace. Will you join me today? Then, we can face the world with something they cannot understand – supernatural peace.


Heavenly Father, thank You for Your gift of peace. We need You to help us feel Your peace every day. Help us trust in Your sovereign plan for our lives so we may feel peace during the times of trouble. Amen.



Read Phil. 4:6-12. Meditate on these verses and see how peace is intertwined with thankful prayers and contentment.



Is there anything preventing you from feeling divine peace at this time? If so, ask God to remove it.