Defusing the Depression Triggers
God has given believers His armor to wear as a defense against spiritual warfare. Satan doesn’t want God’s girls singing praises and full of joy. He decides to trigger that depression. He stalks us, and he knows exactly when and where to inject the poison.
Ephesians chapter six gives us a list of all the armor available for our use. Each piece is vital, but the helmet of salvation protects the mind, the point of most satanic attack, especially with depression.
Do We Believe or Do We Worry?
o we
really believe? Do I
believe God can heal me? Do I really
God will supply ou
needs when my husband loses
his job and the bills are mounting up?
We say
that we
God can do anything, but what about an hour later when we see that hospital bill
? Do we b
to worry? Anxiety creeps
in when the doctor says the treatments are
. Fear takes
control when the new job falls through.
What’s Preventing You From Taking That Leap of Faith?
“Jump, Iva, jump!” We all tried cheering my black Lab guide dog to jump across the curb into the car. She refused to step into the curb because hard rains had created a small creek running down the curb. Iva stood frozen, knowing she needed to get in the car, but afraid of the consequences.
I know Iva acts like a diva, but even this surprised me. My husband picked her up and put her in the car.
Is there something you don’t trust God about? Has He called you into something, but like Iva, you still refuse to take that leap of faith? Are you afraid of failure? Does fear keep you from taking that leap?
Someone’s Daughter
Each woman you meet is someone’s daughter. Cover her in prayer.
When There’s No End in Sight
Then it came to pass, when Pharaoh had let the people go, that God did not lead them by way of the land of the Philistines, although that was...
Highly Favored One
And having come in, the angel said to her, “Rejoice, highly favored one, The Lord is with you; blessed are you among women! Luke...
Jesus Loves Broken People
“I will seek what was lost and bring back what was driven away, bind up the broken and strengthen what was sick; but I will destroy the fat...
Taking Up the Shield of Faith
Do you know the root cause of almost all your problems? It’s not your husband or your job. That’s the fruit of a much bigger problem. The root is satanic attack, and the primary weapon used against us is doubt.
Expect An Answer
Peter had been imprisoned by Herod, and the church was in constant prayer (Acts 12:5). The night prior to his execution date, Peter was chained between two guards, yet, Peter was asleep. It was as though Peter was at peace with his situation, and he knew that God was in control. An angel appeared and the chains fell off his hands. The gates of the prison were open, and the angel led him into the city.