Release Day for Faith That Walks on Water
The day has finally arrived! The print version is now available! I also want to give an update on my health. I am waiting for an appointment...
Today I Found the Secret
This single incident was a confidence booster. It reminded me that God is also working on my greatest needs too. Although He hasn’t answered yet, He is orchestrating something miraculous and wonderful.
Guide Dog Tales: A Home Visit
Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and...
From Fear to Praise
Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt while Pharaoh pursued them. Feeling trapped by the Red Sea when the Israelites saw the Egyptians approaching, they were afraid. They provoked God by crying out that they should have stayed in Egypt rather than journey to the Promise Land. They were confident that they were going to die. Then God parted the Red Sea, and they crossed over on dry ground. Once all the Israelites had crossed, God caused the Red Sea to return to normal, and all the Egyptians were drowned. “Then they believed His words; they sang His praise.” (Ps. 106:12 NKJV).
Now don’t be so hard on those Israelites. We have done the same thing. We have been serving God faithfully, and then something happens. You get that dreaded phone call. The doctor says the word, “cancer”. Something has caused you great fear.
Why Does God Allow Evil?
Shots fired. Another policeman falls dead. A business burns to the ground. Protests escalate. Angry people hurt others. Evil runs ramped. Home invasions and pandemics never cease. Inflation races on. Uncontrolled unemployment continues. Short supplies stir up panic. This is our world, and nobody likes it.
5 Ways God’s love Protects Us (an iBelieve article)
Recently, I had the honor to join the iBelieve team of writers. This is one of the top web sites for Christian women. Today, I am sharing an article...
If You are the Daughter of God
Each morning, we pull on a shirt and a pair of pants, but we neglect to dress in the most important piece of our outfit. The belt of truth. Like me, you might wonder how we actually adorn ourselves in God’s armor. How does this belt of truth protect us? Have we missed the subtle maneuvers of the enemy?
When Jesus Calls Us out of the Boat
Here is another devotion from my new devotional journal, "Faith That Walks on Water: Conquering Emotional Bondage With the Armor of God." And...