
Taking Hold of the Abundant Life

Have you ever felt the abundant life lingers just beyond your reach? Does it feel like a blessing you’ve never acquired? When I applied for a guide dog from Guiding Eyes for the Blind, they called to inform me they had a dog for me. Great! Put her on a UPS truck and ship her down to Virginia (just kidding). No, it doesn’t work like that. I had to travel to New York and train with my precious Iva for three weeks. She was mine, but I had to take possession of her.

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Waiting On a Prayer

I don’t wait well. Can you relate? I prayed for God to restore the hearing in my left ear which had occurred from Sudden Sensory Neuro Hearing Loss. Wait! That’s all I heard from God for six months.
No healing. No urgency to get hearing aids. Even when I found hearing aids at a reduced price, God still said, “Wait.”
In Acts chapter one, the disciples demonstrated how we should wait on our answers to prayer.

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Avoiding Spiritual Derailment

What is your destiny? Several synonyms for destiny include: fate, future, circumstances, and inevitability ( God has a destiny for each of us. It consists of His plan for our life and our future. But the question is; are we fulfilling God’s destiny?

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Expect An Answer to Prayer

Herod had thrown Peter in prison for preaching the gospel. This was the third imprisonment for the beloved leader of the early church. His execution was scheduled for the following morning. The church was in constant prayer for his release, which would take a miracle due to the intense security of the prison.

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