
Highly Favored One

      And having come in, the angel said to her, “Rejoice, highly favored one,  The Lord is with you; blessed are you among women! Luke...

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What Can We Conquer Today?

Today, I feel more like the conquered rather than a conqueror. Perhaps, you can relate. I’ve replaced the personal pronoun “we” with “I” and repeated the verse out loud several times. That’s when I realized the problem.

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When God’s Grace is more Than Sufficient

I didn’t recognize the phone number, so I knew it was my daughter calling me. She never keeps the same phone number for long. She explained with little detail that she had not called in so long because she had a lot going on. She asked, “How have you been?”
“I’ve had a lot of back pain. More than usual. It’s a bad case of sciatica.”
I cut the call short. Nerve pain shot from my hip down to my ankle in my left leg. I just couldn’t talk long when I was hurting so bad.
I felt certain she would call soon since she knew about my condition, but no call came. Not at Thanksgiving, nor at Christmas.

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Guide Dog Tale: How Iva Helped Me understand Godly Jealousy

Have you ever wondered why jealousy is sinful, but God is a jealous God? That’s a tough one to figure out because God cannot sin. Today, Iva helped me understand this mystery better.
We were at my doctor’s office. When the nurse called my name, we all stood up; Timmy, Iva, and me. Since the long hallway of exam rooms resembled a maze, I dropped Iva’s harness and held her leash in order to allow my husband to guide me. Dropping the leash conveys to Iva that she isn’t guiding, but she is simply heeling. I could sense Iva’s disapproval as she tried to take the lead.

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Guest Post: Does God Care?

Margie sat emotionally with tears streaming down her face as if she was unaware of the several hundred others that also sat around her. Margie was one of the many that were attending a Grief Share Meeting. As she wiped the tears from her eyes, trying to act as if all was okay, she started to listen as the speaker walked to the podium and begin to speak.

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